Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Does Anthem Cover Mirena


. Analysis

Book of Genesis.
Author: Moses.
The book of origins.
is a record of origin: our universe, mankind, sin, redemption, family life, the corruption of society, nations, different languages, the Hebrew race, etc..
The first chapters of the book have been continually under the fire of modern criticism, but the facts they present, when interpreted and understood correctly, there never have been denied.
is not the intent of the author of Genesis give a detailed account of creation. Only one chapter is devoted to the subject (only a sketch that contains some basic facts), while spent thirty-eight chapters to the history of the chosen people.
Main Theme: The sin of man and initiated steps taken for redemption through the divine covenant made with a chosen race, whose early history it describes.
Keyword: Top.
. First
Messianic Promise:
Gen 3:15. Genesis
The title is the Greek-built into Castilian, with which the Septuagint gives its name to the first book of the Bible. Means "origin" or "principle", ideas that are broadly content of the book. Indeed, in him, from a religious perspective, it tells the origins of the universe, earth, mankind and, in particular the people of Israel. In the Hebrew Bible, this book is titled with your first word, Bereshit, commonly translated by "In the beginning" (1.1).

Book Division.
Genesis (= Gn) consists of two main sections. The first (Ch. 1-11) contains the "story of origins" or "primary story, which began with the story of creation of the world (1.1-2.4a). It is a poetic narrative of great beauty, which follows that of the origin of man, God has placed in the world he had created. The second part (ch. 12-50) addresses the issue of the most remote beginnings of the history of Israel. Usually known as "history of the patriarchs", focuses on Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, respectively father, son and grandson, who is rooted in deep God's people.
The story of origins.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (1.1). This statement, categorical and solemn, open reading Genesis and, with it, the entire Bible. Is the statement of total and absolute power of God, one eternal God, whose will must be all there, as "without Him nothing was made that was made" (Jn 1.3). The universe is the result of the action of God, who by his word created our world, made habitable and populated with living beings. These also put the human species, but distinguished it from any other by giving a special dignity because had created "in his image, the image of God" (1:26-27).
This initial account of Genesis considers men and women in a particular relationship with God, who have received the commission to govern responsibly on the world that they are part (1.28-30, 2.19-20). Indeed, man (Hebrew adam) was formed "the dust of the earth" (adamaŒ), ie the same substance as the rest of creation, but "Jehovah God. .. breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being " (2.7). The creation of man, the man (ish), is followed in Genesis by women (ishah), constituting the essential unity between human couple (2.22-24).
The special relationship God established with Adam and Eve is defined as a permanent friendship, offered to be accepted freely. God, creator of all and absolute ruler of the universe, offers his friendship, the human being is free to accept or reject. The sign of the human attitude to God's offer is identified on the precept that, on the one hand, affirms the sovereignty of God and, secondly, establishes the responsibility of Adam in the enjoyment of freedom: "Tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat " (2.17). But Adam, man, wanting to be equal to God, violates the conditions imposed. And he does an act of rebellion that blocks access to "tree of life" (3.22-24) and opens the doors to the empire of sin, whose consequences are pain and death.

The story of the patriarchs
This second part of Genesis (ch. 12-50) represents the beginning of a new stage in human development, a stage in which God acts to liberate human beings from the situation that sin had conducted.
The story enters a new phase with the revelation of God to Abraham, who was ordered to leave behind family and familiar places and migrate to unknown lands. He promises to make him a great nation, and prosper and bless (12.1-3) and confirms this promise by establishing a covenant, according to which Abraham would be blessed " all families of the earth" (12.3 cf. Gl 3.8).
Genesis emphasizes that he does not act arbitrarily in choosing Abraham, but their choice is part of a plan of salvation extends to the whole world. The ultimate purpose of this plan, the universality of the saving action of God is manifest in the symbolic act of changing the original name, Abram, by that of Abraham, meaning "father of many nations" (17.5).
the death of Abraham, his son Isaac became the depository of God's promise, and after Isaac, Jacob. This was transmitted from one generation to another, from father to son, all of whom, like Abraham, lived as strangers outside their place of origin. Those patriarchs (ie, "parent's lineage), were semi-nomadic pastoralists star in an endless migration. His life was spent in continuous movement and settlements recorded in Genesis, gives the narrative a peculiar character.
Jacob, along with a mysterious episode happened at Peniel (32.28 cf 35.10), was named Israel ("he who struggles with God" or "God struggle "). This name was used later to identify the twelve tribes, then the Kingdom of the north and finally to the Israelite nation as a whole.
The story of Joseph son of Jacob is fascinating. Sold as a slave and taken to Egypt, Joseph won the will of the reigning pharaoh, who came to raise up to second place in the national government (41.39-44). So high political position allowed the young Hebrew beside him carrying his father, who, with children, family and finance (46.26), was established in the Nile delta, the region of Goshen, a land rich in pastures and appropriate to their needs and way of life.
the death of Jacob, his sons moved the body to Canaan and buried him in a cave that Abraham had bought (50.13) to bury his wife (23.16-20). That purchase the Genesis has a clear symbolic meaning, because it prefigured the takeover by Israel from a territory where the patriarchs had lived in another time as foreign.
Outline of content:
1. History of the origins (1.1-11.32)
2. History of the Patriarchs (12.1-50.26)
a. Abraham (12.1-25.34)
b. Isaac (26.1-35)
c. Jacob (27.1-36.43) d.
José (37.1-50.26)
In these Bible studies will be until Chapter 11 that corresponds to the beginning. They hope to be of much blessing and building their lives.
1 .- INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS 20Introduccion% 20to% 20Genesis% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
2 .- BEFORE THE START 20Antes% 20of% 20Principio% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
3 .- HOW OLD IS THE UNIVERSE? 20Edad% 20to% 20the% 20tiene% 20Universo% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
4 .- THE SPIRIT IN CREATION 20The% 20Espiritu% 20of% 20the% 20Creacion% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 5 .-
GOD CREATED ASTMOSFERA 20days% 20of% 20crea% 20Atmosfera% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 6 .-
GENETICS OF GOD 20The% 20Genetica% 20of% 20days% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
7 .- OUR SOLAR SYSTEM 20Our% 20Sistema% 20Solar% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
8 .- THE CREATION OF MAN 20The% 20Creacion% 20of% 20Hombre% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
9 .- WONDERS OF THE HUMAN BODY 20Maravillas% 20of% 20Cuerpo% 20Humano% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
10 .- ADAM VEGETARIAN FOOD 20The% 20Comida% 20Vegetariana% 20of% 20Adan% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
11 .- GOD HOLY THE SABBATH 20days% 20Santifica% 20the% 20days% 20of% 20Reposo% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
12 .- THE SOUL AND SPIRIT 20The% 20Alma% 20of% 20the% 20Espiritu% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
13 .- FREEDOM OF ADAM 20The% 20Libertad% 20of% 20Adan% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
HELP 20The% 20Ayuda% 20Idonea% 20of% 20Adan% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
15 .- THE FOUNDATION OF MARRIAGE 20The% 20Fundacion% 20of% 20Matrimonio% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
16 .- SATAN ATTACKS THE BIBLE 20Satanas% 20Ataca% 20the% 20Biblia% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
17 .- THE DEVIL SAYS CAN BE GODS 20The% 20Diablo% 20dice% 20Pueden% 20ser% 20days% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
18 .- SATAN AND RELIGIONS 20Satanas% 20and% 20the% 20Religiones% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
19 .- THE FALL OF MAN 20The% 20Caida% 20of% 20Hombre% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
20 .- THE FALL AND GOD 20The% 20Caida% 20of% 20days% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 2
21 .- THE SEEDS 20to% 202% 20simientes% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
22 .- THE CURSE AND GRACE 20The% 20Maldicion% 20of% 20the% 20Gracia% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
23 .- THE GIFTS OF CAIN AND ABEL 20the% 20Ofrendas% 20of% 20the% 20Cain% 20Abel% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
24 .- THE SINS OF ADAM 20the% 20Pecados% 20of% 20Adan% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
25 .- THE CURSE OF CAIN 20The% 20Maldicion% 20of% 20Cain% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
26 .- Enoch walked with God 20Enoc% 20Camin% F3% 20with% 20days-% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. DEMON INVASION 27 .- 20Invasion% 20Demoniaca% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
28 .- THE HUMAN RACE IS CORRUPT 20The% 20Raza% 20Humana% 20SE% 20Corrompe% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
29 .- THE FAITH OF NOAH 20The% 20Fe% 20of% 20Noe% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 30 .-
FLOOD CAUSES OF UNIVERSAL 20Causas% 20of% 20Diluvio% 20Universal% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
31 .- THE ARK OF NOAH 20The% 20Arca% 20of% 20Noe% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
32 .- Noah, ANIMALS AND THE ARK 20Noe% 2C% 20the% 20Animales% 20of% 20the% 20Arca% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com. mp3
33 .- THE FLOOD FALLS IN THE TIME OF GOD 20The% 20Diluvio% 20cae% 20in% 20the% 20Tiempo% 20of% 20days% 20 - % 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
34 .- THE FLOOD AND THE GEOLOGY 20The% 20Diluvio% 20of% 20the% 20Geologia% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 35 .- Noah
Built an altar 20Noe% 20Edifica% 20a% 20Altar% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
36 .- THE COVENANT WITH NOAH 20The% 20Pacto% 20with% 20Noe% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
37 .- THE CURSE OF CANAAN 20The% 20Maldicion% 20of% 20Cana% E1n% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 38 .-
NIMROD THE REBEL 20Nimrod% 20the% 20Rebelde% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
39 .- THE FIRST GLOBAL REBELLION 20The% 20Primera% 20Rebelion% 20Mundial% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
40 .- THE CALL OF ABRAHAM 20The% 20Llamado% 20of% 20Abraham% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
41 .- ABRAHAM WILL SALE OF 20% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
42 .- ABRAHAM IN EGYPT 20Abraham% 20and% 20Egipto% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
43 .- ABRAHAM AND LOT SEPARATE 20Abraham% 20and% 20Lot% 20SE% 20Separan% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 44 .- Melchizedek Priesthood
ETERNAL 20Sacerdocio% 20Eterno% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
45 .- DO NOT FEAR, I AM GOD 20No% 2C% 20temas% 20yo% 20soy% 20days% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
46 .- THE COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM 20The% 20Pacto% 20with% 20Abraham-% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 47 .-
SARAI AND AGAR 20Sarai% 20and% 20Agar% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
48 .- YO SOY EL SHADAI 20yo% 20soy% 20to% 20Shadai% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
. 49 .-
Circumcision Covenant sign 20The% 20circuncision% 20SE% F1al% 20of% 20Pacto% 20 -% 20www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.mp3
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