Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trash Talking Phrases

Happy Easter! and awards

Prepare these Easter eggs is extremely fast and easy, in this case I used red onion skins and leaves of the garden, leaned the leaves on the eggs, then wrapped with red onion skins, pierced cling film and eggs wrapped in perforated film with paper, tied with cotton thread (is a new technique that I just invented the role of film) put them in boiling water about 8 minutes, let cool in their own water and go.
Each year, prepare and present bought some chocolate eggs, those if I did not ever.
Read about the history and meaning of Easter eggs as well as preparation of these here Easter eggs.
extremely scarce time, my energy is still not 100%, I try every day to adapt to my new status, I do not want to continue spending more days without thanking the awards have given me: Mariana
blog sweet face for Gold blog award, I invite you to stop by your blog and enjoy its sweet and delicious recipes. Nidia's blog
simple recipes who daily presents simple recipes, healthy and rich, to enjoy, and it through this award gold Blog wishes to encourage to keep going, do not hesitate Nidia, so be it.
John, my friend's blog Kitchen amateur who has given me the award Blog with music but this blog does not have it, because music is in my soul, thanks John! be sure to visit your blog, it feels like home. Eva's blog
Ma petite boulangerie where everything is cooked and most importantly and I love it diferenetes bread types and using different techniques.
To all: THANK YOU! Small
after placing images, links, awards have gone, saved, and hit the publish button will erase all !!!!!! LPMQLP
this blog is bringing me gray hair black, but I'm not win, aAlthough can not put pictures of the prizes at least grant them one to each person and the first will be to: Mandragora

Gold blog award to your blog with love Recetillas

Powell's Blog Ana Magic Flavors music blog award because she play music in each of your recipes sweet or savory. Cristina's blog

's Kitchen prize Crinch this blog is a gem


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