Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Just Found Out Pregnant Quotes And Sayings

What's in the pot ...? and happy new year

The kitchen is closed until next year, until then, I leave a picture and a riddle and my best wishes for the year 2009 and many thank you all for joining me in 2008 that is leaving, which I loved to share with you, I was can write to each one especially a greeting, but I have always present, because behind every comment, picture or recipe, is a sufferer, laughing, happy, sad or happy, not everything is virtual or cyber, real, when someone presses a key behind it is a feeling, and sometimes even when you're away or not, reading is seen behind every word, warmth, emotion, so much to comfort me.
For everyone:-D Thanks

Kisses and hugs

What's in this pot ...? Continuing

next year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Taj Honeymoon Maldives

Masitas dry and ... Happy holidays!

This week I could not devote my time to blog for two things, I was not very well and did not work internet.
not let them Christmas recipes and menus, because every family depends on where you live, follow their family traditions and customs. Generally
always celebrate holiday away from home, but the celebrating here this Christmas, I'll miss my brothers and their families who are not present but I know that place will provide for me and I will do it for them, with my family and sister who traveled to be with us. Today
prepare dry cookies with my daughter, my niece and my nephew , Which was beautiful because each developed their own creativity in the design and decor, my sister also made its contribution.
dinner tonight surely as input a cold dish, salad, hot dish and dessert fruit salads that can not miss and maybe ice cream, fresh bread for toast or nougat and at noon on 25 grill meats I'll tell you later, with salads.
From here I wish you have a great time, enjoy what they do, very peaceful and good company.
A huge hug and: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wackers Pet Shop Dublin

Ribs pork with fruit tart blackberries

This is my contribution to HEMC # 28 "Slaughter", the hostess is Pikerita , my plate is: pork chops with fruit.
also no longer see this post .

6 ribs

1 pear

6 slices pineapple 3

plum juice of half a lemon

1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon cornstarch

5 tablespoons soy sauce Pepper

stocked grain

Remove all fat from pork ribs, salt, place a spoon oil in a wok, heat, place meat, assorted pepper, sear on both sides, always over medium heat, when cooked, add the slices of pears, plums and pineapple slice, put aside in a cup of honey, with lemon juice, soy sauce and a teaspoon of cornstarch, mix, complete with a few tablespoons of water, pour into the wok, bring to boil, remove and serve.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Illegal Horse Sucking

stuffed with Roquefort

Music at the time of mate.

two weeks ago when Buenos Aires was going for a few days of intense heat, this Saturday we went to camp with my family, a friend's house, was a fine day, while in the capital pouring rain and the car floated in the streets, (no exaggeration, it is true) to 40 km we we enjoyed a beautiful day, seeing the park, fruit, animals, Lunch grilled chicken, sausages and salads, for the time of cakes and puddings mate home, then together blackberries, sedges and flowers, I'd put more pictures but I have to go to interview a friend who is confined in the hospital.

Samanta eating from my hand.

scratching each other.

Ingredients for the dough (small cake)

150 grs.

self-rising flour 60 grams butter

1 1 / 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg

1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 2 tablespoons

milk Mix the butter with the sugar, egg, lemon zest, add flour and milk, place in pie pan removable, click the entire base of the cake to cook in preheated moderate oven.

For the pastry cream:

250 cc.

milk 20 grams of cornstarch 3 egg yolks

drops of vanilla essence.

Place milk in a stainless steel saucepan, add half the sugar and boil after boiling, remove from heat. Wait 10 minutes

Sift with corn starch with the remaining sugar, add yolks and beat together without, pour half the milk and mix well.

Boil the remaining milk, add the yolk mixture stirring with wire whisk to avoid lumps forming, when it boils and thickens cook another minute, always stirring to prevent sticking, add remove drops vanilla and transfer to a flat container, cover with film contact with cream, refrigerate until use.

Once cool the cake, place the pastry cream, then berries (about 400 grs.) This is a cake made in a small bowl.

I used white and black berries.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Blue Prints For Wedding Arch


My husband is a very good BBQ and being the blog of Argentina, can not miss a post with grilled meats, this will be the first in a series that begins now, "D" stuffed with Roquefort Matambre "a delight.

Matambre (ROSE EMLA) is a typical Argentine court, it is the layer of meat is removed from between the leather and cow ribs ( see here cutting ) and pigs too, the pig requires less cooking time, is called matambre (kills + hunger) because it is said that once when he carried out the slaughter of the animal was removed this court to do so quickly to the grid, but there is a problem is not always sweet, here the words of the poet Esteban Echeverría in his advocacy of matambre :

Following, then, my purpose, I will come to find out who is this gentleman and weighted so trails is why ended up in the stomachs of carnivorous locals. The flank steak comes attached to two ribs of beef and leather clothing serves, so that females, males and geldings still have their two separate matambre whose edible qualities vary by age and sex of the animal: thus male matambre's all whatever their origin, and the sides of the bull, cow or bull acquires juice and robustness. The nutritional and digestive hidden transformations experienced by the matambre, reaching its full growth and flavor are not available to me: nature in this as in everything else in their jurisdiction, the work itself, as mysterious and satisfactorily that we are only rendering him as quiet praise. It is known only
hardness bull matambre rejects the rather hefty set and tooth, while that of a young bull and especially the cow, chewing and eating leaves petty little teeth and gums still octogenarian. "
"Apology matambre" I copied the page l historian Felipe Pigna , Be sure to visit your page, it is very interesting, as he says, a site dedicated to history, the persistence of memory, and against forgetting, one form of injustice.

On another plane, as the popular saying, when someone can not get a penny says: "Tougher Than beef flank steak."
Matambre: flank steak or meal rose, is inevitable in the table of Argentina and especially for the holidays this year it is prepared wound with various elements, eggs, spinach, garlic, parsley, cheese, ham, sausage, etc. . Also it tends to make baked and cooked with milk m, usually weighing from one to three kg depending on the size of the animal. The preparation
need: 1 kilo
matambre To
150 grams of Roquefort cheese
least 1 / 2 cup heavy cream 4 tablespoons milk
salt pepper
necessary amount, remember the blue cheese is salty
white cotton thread and needle
Check the matambre not broken or have holes, if so proceed to the suture as in the picture because it would avoid filling the holes, or ask your butcher to remove it care, mine seemed that the war was (I bought my husband) stitched holes like this, more .... are due to hooks that were hung with little expertise or the butcher to deboning.

This reminds me of another saying "I sewed like a roulade" Once
sewed all their clothes, we turned the flank steak in the middle like a book, leaving the fat out, and we sew the sides forming a sac, leave a space without sewing to enter the stuffing, prepare it by mixing the ingredients and then fill it and ended up producing the closure sewing

The coals should be well lit and distributed a circle, so that the heat is low, place the flank steak in center of the circle, on the high rack, hold there for an hour and a half is made from one side, go on renewing the coals, always in a circle, then turn, cook another half hour, in this case was a matambre a kilo, if it is larger and takes longer to cook as we will be inflated with steam and tenderized, sometimes looks like a balloon, it was very small, but we usually roast matambre larger. The slow cooción does the meat come out tender and assured success.

This matambrito was very tender, a butter, for dipping the sandwich in the sauce ........
I served with threads the seams so they can see them (but not eaten).

This dish will surely return to prepare for Christmas, if requested by the family, you may add walnuts and celery stuffing, or not, but the blue cheese should be very tasty and creamy, a gorgonzola would be fine.