Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Soon Before Period Does Cervix Open


Melon with ham, easy, cool, rich, could put many more adjectives to describe this snack.
This post is dedicated to the blog Pilar Pans by Friendly Blog Award has given me, this is the second I get, the former because I've dedicated an entry I could not pass as is the case for lack of time, in real, friendly are all the blogs I visit and I visit, but right now I'm at my sister to 1000 km. mine and missed a moment to post on the blog at the risk of being accused of blogadicción and before that happens quickly passed it on to Dolors , Marcia and Marisol and all my cyberfriends.

came yesterday and tomorrow return to home and still counting, maybe not, because after spending 12 hours sitting in a group do not know if I will feel like sitting back, at least for a while.


melon balls
Prosciutto SLICED

Make melon balls with noisette potatoes teaspoon diced or cut, if round to leave a flat part that will base to support the melon, cut each slice of ham with a cut along the width and one in four equal pieces and roll each piece, pierced with a toothpick or small fork on the melon and ... yum yum


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is Alexandria, Va A Good Place To Live

ham tea and fruit pudding

After preparing Christmas sweet bread and some that other stuff during the year, always remains of dried fruits and candied and in this case dried plums, also 2, (2 plums ....!) black raisins and blondes, some other nuts and almonds, chestnuts despised broken after the counting had a total of 450 grams between each other.

450 grams of fruit (dried and polished, 2 plums and raisins)
1 cup of tea with hot tea 170 grams of sugar

The measure of a capful of brandy

1 egg 250 grams self-rising flour

To decorate:
60 grams of powdered sugar about
2 tablespoons lemon juice

chop the candied fruit and placed them with raisins, chopped prunes and 170 grams of sugar, I added a cup of hot tea almost boiling, let stand a hour. After resting
added a capful of brandy, dried fruits, 50 grams of oil, an egg, yes, one, as the cake Emanuela, and 250 grams of baking flour without much ceremony or wobble and rolled her, just that mix.
I put in two English pudding molds small size (No. 3) and put to cook in the oven with a minimum temperature of 160 degrees for one hour.
After I decorated with icing sugar mixed with lemon juice, about 60 grams of sugar and two tablespoons of lemon about, keep trying.
What I can tell, do not stop it, is very rich, they will not regret it, you'll love, leaving a soft and fluffy texture.

This recipe is dedicated to
:-) Mamen and José María for prizes that have given me a great and huge THANK YOU!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Take Vicodin For Tattoo Removal

calamarata Finger food

This is my contribution to Hemco 29 , "calamarata" is a ring-shaped pasta , hence its name calamarata, from Italy, some say of Campania, Sicily others say, really do not know, usually accompanied by squid, I was inspired by a recipe Nino and what they seem the mine and is leading squid and pasta, as here I do not get the format of pasta I had no choice but to make it at home, alive masaterapia and he washed the dishes.

Ingredients for the pasta for 2 people: 200 grams
flour 2 eggs pinch of salt
water quantity needed
hand kneading: form a crown on the counter with flour, add eggs beaten, pinch of salt with a fork or your fingertips in circular movements from the edge toward the center go to mix until the flour absorbs moisture from the eggs, mix and add water only if necessary, knead until achieve a smooth, compact mass that will not stick in the hands or working the counter at this point let it stand for half an hour to facilitate stretching. Kneading

in processing: Place all ingredients and knead with the hook or plastic blade discontinuous pulses, adding water only if necessary. Set aside.
Drawing Machine:
Cut a piece of dough dusted with flour and stretch at the widest point of the rollers, fold in three mass about itself dust with flour and repass retaining the rectangular shape of the pasta, tapering opening and move the rollers until the desired thickness.
Hand Drawn:
after having left the dough, sprinkle with a cloud of flour and stretch the pastry with the rolling pin, until the desired thickness.
Cut strips as in the image and then superimpose the two ends making the dough just comes together and press firmly to decrease the thickness at the junction of two edges
Sauce (2 servings) 2 squid
1 onion 1 clove garlic 1 small
strip of red pepper 1 can tomatoes
teaspoon oregano salt and pepper to taste
1 bay leaf dry
sauce 1 / 2 cup white wine
squid and I have previously cooked my method of cooking is in a pan with a little water, cook covered until tender depending on size of squid cooking time, then freeze in portions and use them in different preparations.
Preparing the sauce: fry the onion in oil, add chopped squid, chopped pepper, garlic clove, then the glass of wine and let reduce, after which he adds tomatoes and minced processed, oregano, salt, pepper (well, that comes out spicy) and the bay leaf, let cook until it forms a thick sauce.

Once the sauce is ready, Boil the pasta in abundant salted water, drain when al dente and mixed with squid sauce, serve, spray olive oil and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pet Safe Remote Training Neck Scars

Roquefort and cream cheese

This afternoon I go to a friend's house, as it is very hot I decided to prepare rolls and bread canapés English or bread crumbs, bread crumbs prepared him I ordered the photos soon when I will put the recipe.

For snacks just mix blue cheese and cream cheese, then with a muffin or cookie cutters, I used a cap of something, I do not know what it was, always keep caps for use as cutting, hahaha, the "disaster box", well said that with the lid cut rounds of bread can be squares, put the mixture of cream cheese and blue cheese in a pastry spread it in a spiral shape and ready .

I hurry, I voyyyyyyyyyyyy, I have to cut the rolls, take pictures and show them that after irmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Besos

Friday, January 9, 2009

Throat Infection Swollen Gums

Mar del Plata, Kako ..!!! and I Kings Gift

Mar del Plata is one of the most important seaside resorts of Argentina, it brings together for summer all year thousands of people.
is a beautiful city, I like Mar del Plata because it has the sea (obviously) and for living my friends that I spend one of the two holidays of the year.
This year I gave a plus, I was pleased to match Kako living in Switzerland and get to know, was a pleasure to share a coffee and chat a while, is a lovely person, I left wanting keep sharing, surely will not miss the opportunity in the future.
One thing I like about Mar del Plata is the Puerto, but for the smell of sea lion (sometimes) depends on how the wind blows, the reserve of sea lions found a few meters the shoulder of fishermen, I never let go, even if you've done again and again, watch the fishermen unload the cargo, imagine what your life so that we can feed ourselves, one of the excuse to go is that I have more anchovies, anchovies that I never liked them until recently, I said, well I have to eat, and then on each floor so prepare bread and butter or whatever you feel like, with pastas and pizza, or edit pending bagna cauda quetengo that it there are thousands of recipes.

wheat bread with anchovies

This bread with anchovies recipe does not need much, it's bread, chopped tomatoes, chopped olives, salted anchovies oil and a sprig of basil, I almost forgot huyyyyy jet, olive oil .... yum yum

Important: One of the things I learned in the market stalls of the port is not to be put anchovies in the refrigerator even if the container is opened because the cold and salt disintegrates.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Continental Unsecure Loan

Back at home, with a living gift of kings and the resolution of the riddle .
This story will continue, probably ....

January 8: The enlarged family! there is a new pigeon