Friday, January 28, 2011

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eggplant shells the two hams

It's amazing how how does presenting a plate to completely change ... Good presentation
food makes us "between the eyes", a dish called attention even when their ingredients are not of our favorite foods.
original submission earns a whole lot to any dish ...
And a change in presentation can serve even to "fool" those who swear that their lives would eat a certain ingredient, or who are sick of this or that kind of food. For what we're
to deceive, superb presentation is not one of my strengths, hahaha. On the one hand, for lack of sufficient "art." And, secondly, because normally my dishes are "immortalized" At a quarter to 3 pm, while staff look at me in despair, ready to start making "music" hitting the knife and fork on the table . The hunger strikes, power comes a cloud of smoke that makes the "portrait", and your head to think about how to decorate the dish in question, hahaha ...
In short, my dishes have a presentation "worthy" but home. With all my heart I envy those wonderful "staged" I see the network ... and help me to try to "good progress" when I have time, lol.
But really, what I meant today was, rather, the "deception." In these ways we all have to disguise the fish for the finicky child to eat it without complaint, or to hide the veggies for the firecracker (a) on duty did not growl ... or, in my case, tricks to hide ... a stuffed eggplant, hahaha.

While preparing all the ingredients to make them, an image came to mind. Well, two:
"The first: the face of resignation with which I was going to look at home. Eat, eat it all ... but I was already seeing these loops of "Again stuffed eggplant?, Nooooo, my God!", Hahaha.
"And the second (and worse): How do I upload to blog a recipe called" stuffed eggplant?. The laughter, the laughter and the joke may be a scandal: "Morguix is \u200b\u200bserious, has again had a relapse in obsessive-compulsive disorder!"
Then I remembered I had some beautiful shells Pyrex ... and I thought this recipe:

INGREDIENTS (Serves 4-1 shell for each is sufficient because they fill a lot) 2 medium eggplants

150 grams of ham into small cubes
75 grams of turkey breast cubes Grated

Olive oil Salt Pepper

For the bechamel: 500 grams of milk, butter 30 grams, 90 grams of flour, salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Matches eggplant, and cook in the microwave, about 8 minutes at 800 w. Let cool, and empty with a spoon.
Chop pulp, and braise in a little oil. Add the ham and turkey, and a little pepper, and sauté until the ham is done and cuddly (not let them burn or harden too). Reserve. The Thermomix
, make the bechamel: put in this order milk, butter, flour, salt (cuidadin, the ham and bears) and grated nutmeg). And programmed temperature 100 º, speed 3 and 1 / 2, and (in principle) 8 minutes but may take more or less depending on the temperature of the milk. We can stop the machine to see how it goes.
When you're with the right texture (espesita, although somewhat less than for patties) mix it with eggplant and ham, fill the shells, sprinkle with grated cheese, and introduce the oven to brown.
No Thermomix : Prepare a bechamel as you may have the habit, but it is thick enough for a filling. The rest is prepared in the same way.

was delicious!. Hey, not a single protest eat eggplant stuffed ", hahaha!. So I do recommend it if you want your children to eat vegetables without a single complaint: ham and cheese are great for disguising "green."
Of course, if you opt for the "stuffed eggplant, so be it. Mundorecetas Forum have made, and I've loved.

This photo is "rare" color, I hate to take pictures indoors, because of bad weather and a few hours of good light!.

This time I leave you with these photos clouds. Are taken at 8 this morning .... Do you see the sky beautiful?.

then broke down the day ... but at least we had a beautiful sunrise.

With them I wish you a happy weekend. A big kiss.


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