Saturday, January 22, 2011

In My Poo There Is White Cloudly Stuff

tortilla, peppers and

What are the stuffed meat, right?
Eye: I am not praising the ladies metiditas in kilos, as much as I can include in that group, lol ...
I mean any type of meat preparation "carry something inside" ...
remain very rich and the presentation is always very grateful. It also allows many variations.
Yes, I know what many will be thinking: that my obsession with stuffing things extends not only to the plant world, but also the animal, lol ... But do not tell me a good stuffed meat is not gorgeous at any table with a colorful variety, a combination of flavors that can go from traditional to more innovative mix ... Come on, that has it all!. And there are often complicated to prepare.
Today I bring a pork loin (Iberian, of course ... I know my "racism" in swine, lol) landfill, which is delicious and juicy leaves (Sorry for the crappy-pairing, haha).
Of course, in this case the cut of meat is essential. Ask the butcher that you open the back in book form. And if not, I leave this link to the blog Javirecetas, which explains very well how you have to make cuts to make the back into a perfect rectangle.
I would only add that if you see a little thicker after cutting, you can flatten a bit with a meat mallet. And that, previously, before cutting or extending it, as best you can limpiéis all the fat you may have.
The recipe is a mixture of other lots that are on the network, one of the Javirecetas own blog. And I chose this because I thought filling original and colorful.
Well, the mess:

For the back: 1
Iberian pork 1 kg or 1 kg and 1 / 2 (open in book form)

4 piquillo peppers 6 slices of cheese (we prefer) 2 eggs
. Salt Pepper

For the sauce: 1 onion biggie

4 carrots 1 green pepper Italian

1 large clove garlic, olive oil

Salt 1 cup sherry
200 cl vegetable broth ( or water with a broth)

Season the loin (short tad better to stick with the salt) on both sides.
We put the face back with more "ugly" up. And we put the cheese slices and top piquillo peppers cut into strips.
Beat eggs and tortillas make two not very thick, they are well but not dried curds.
and placed above the piquillo peppers.
Gently rolling going back, trying not to enclose the filling, and tie with kitchen string, or silicone these gadgets.
and reserve in a baking dish, while making the sauce.
To make the salsa, chop the onion, garlic, pepper, and peel and cut carrots into slices.
We put in a deep skillet or casserole with a chorretón oil and sauté the vegetables over medium-high heat, stirring constantly, and checking if necessary add a tad more oil.
We want the vegetables are tender and release their sugars will be nicely browned, not burnt, it will add color to the sauce. It will take about 15-20 minutes.
Add the wine, go down a little fire, and give a boil. Add water or broth, and let the sauce cook over medium heat, about 10 minutes. So the Chinese or go through the blender, and pour over meat. Will be quite liquid, but no matter, because it will be baked and there will be reduced.
tested the salt, on whether to add a little bit. Bake at 180 º
(previously we will preheated oven) for about 1 hour, or slightly more, depending on weight and how we like to take the meat. We turn halfway through cooking, and regularly watered with the sauce.
We took the oven, remove meat, and collect the gravy in a saucepan (you may need to add a tad of water.)
When meat is cool, remove the wire and cut into slices not too thin to that is not broken.
To serve: we can choose to take the cold meat and hot sauce only, or by placing the meat already cut into a source that can be baked, and put a "heater" (not much, to avoid drying out).

And first, we take these tartaletitas. ...

The recipe is the here, only I have omitted the cheese. And at the landfill, instead of mushrooms, prawns and peas, I have 100 grams of smoked salmon cut into strips, and 1 / 2 diced zucchini and saute a few minutes previously. Anything else is equal.

I hope you enjoyed today's menu ...


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