Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Weave That Can Be Scrunched



Matthew 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, the East came to Jerusalem magicians,
Matthew 2:2 Saying, Where is the king of the Jews, who was born? Because we saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.
. Matthew 2:3
Hearing this, King Herod was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
. Matthew 2:4
gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he asked them where Christ should be born.
Matthew 2:5 They said to him: In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet:
Matthew 2:6 And thou Bethlehem, land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.
Matthew 2:7 Then Herod secretly called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared;
. Matthew 2:8 and sending
to Bethlehem and said, Go and search diligently for the child, and when ye have found him, bring me word so that I may come and worship him.
Matthew 2:9 When they had heard the king, they departed, and behold the star which they saw in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the child was.
Matthew 2:10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Matthew 2:11 And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped him: and opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Matthew 2:12 But be warned in dream not to return to Herod, they returned to their country by another way.

In some countries of the world as a tradition held each January 6 to "Los Santos Reyes" or "Wise Men", where usually at least here in Mexico to give gifts to children, however most people take it as an annual tradition without really knowing about Magi went to worship the baby Jesus when he was born and mostly do not know the true meaning.
The Bible only mentions a few MEN coming from the East to adore the Child Jesus, nowhere in the Bible few were mentioned, nor in any part of the Bible and not mention their names is mentioned about being transported, tradition and the Catholic religion has imposed allegedly were 3 kings who were called "Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar", and also say, representing the 3 races were an Asian, an African and European (an Oriental, a black and blond, like many say and that came in a horse, a camel and an elephant), this is impossible because the Bible said that they were men from the East and South Africa is to Israel and Europe to the West.
. There is an apocryphal gospel
(false) they call "The Gospel of Thomas' children" (know who was the stoner who invented it ¬ ¬), say they had a family link and that the wise men came to 3 legions of soldiers (from Persia, Babylon and Asia) and another gospel stoner called "The Armenian Gospel of children" where they are called Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspard, who are the names they are currently known.
Question: Can a Christian tell their children that the Three Kings (Melchior, Gaspar and Baltazar) will bring gifts if they behave well? the answer is "NO YOU" - Many will say to me: There are bad brother, destroy the illusion of children, I will answer you: MINDS IF YOU THINK YOUR CHILD IS OKAY, LET ME TELL YOU THAT THESE sin before God, not me, says GOD. Furthermore, you do not know, when you tell them your children that the wise men there and bring them gifts, you are spreading them and possibly a false illusion idolatry, and that perhaps your son or daughter more to kings love GOD wizards, and that's the same with chubby Santa Claus.
"I can get something for my children on January 6th? Yes indeed, and when you want, it is best to tell your kids the truth and not lie, but of course have to mention a day more "commercial" means but if you go and give her something to your children if you can not afford thank God and give them the greatest gift is YOUR LOVE. Also I have to say that there are millions of children around the world who do not have to eat that are suffering injustice and deceit, and more than a gift or toy they wish to live in dignity and be at least a piece of bread in your mouth. EYE SO MUCH, DO NOT BECOME YOUR CHILDREN IN A FEW materials nor I tend to them what they want, AND YOU DO NOT BELIEVE YOU MOST PROUD OF YOU OR OTHERS FOR THE SIMPLE FACT THAT IF YOU BUY YOUR TOYS TO YOUR CHILDREN ARE PEOPLE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EAT. TRAFFICKING Making fun of THAT DO NOT HAVE AND YOU WILL SEE HOW GOD IN TIME YOU WILL HUMILIATE.
Right now I mentioned to Santa Claus, let me tell you it's a cheap imitation of God, the world has transformed Santa Claus mented as a father who loves all the world's children and their caregiver, and see if they behave daily right or wrong, that transmits a lot of kindness and generosity, it teaches us to love others, and has his kingdom in heaven and has under his orders thousands of Dwarfs (elves). Indeed, the character of Santa Claus, the old man that panzon with red and white suit with a beard as we know it was invented by COCA COLA AS PART OF YOUR ADVERTISING, depending if I have understood there was a man generous in the fourth century who was called Nicholas in what is now Turkey and based on this man to do that little old fat man in red dress.
UNFORTUNATELY MANY CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD HAVE THE HOLY GOD ALMIGHTY ONE SANTA CLAUS. Many Christians believe that God is like a SANTA CLAUS , an old man with a beard, chubby, it's only love love love, and never condemn or punish anyone, but they forget that THE GOD OF THE BIBLE IS FAIR AND MUST punishment and sinful man . Many Christians when I said this is angry, upset, I simply say: Your god is not the God of the Bible, is a god as you invented your at your convenience according to your carnal desires and a god that only serves you you. Many "Christians" who think like "NOT GOING TO ENTER INTO HEAVEN AND IS GOING TO GO TO HELL" unless they change their thinking.
examine the word "MEN"
. The word
MEN: were a group of wise men who specialized in astronomy, astrology (not as modern astrology), and natural sciences.
. Consider
Matthew 2:1-The Magi were astrologers from the east, but not in the sense of modern astrology. His visit serves to highlight the real identity of Jesus (Matthew 2:11), reaffirming that the Messiah came from Bethlehem (Matthew 2:6), and update the worship and faith of the Gentiles (Matthew 2:8), in contrast to Jewish hostility (Matthew 2:3).
Matthew 2:2 we have seen His star in the east: As scholars and connoisseurs of the stars, the Magi found an inexplicable phenomenon in the heavens, that somehow interpreted as a sign of the birth of the King of the Jews .
We must understand and differentiate the word MAGO as it has 2 meanings:
magicians (μάγος)
A) one belonging to a sacred caste Media, which apparently conformed to the religion of Persia while retained their old beliefs and is used in the plural in Matthew 2:1, Matthew 2:7 and Matthew 2:16 mentions the Magi who came to worship Oiente the Christ Child.
B) witches, warlocks, pretending to have magical powers, a practitioner of witchcraft (Acts 13:6, Acts 13:8), his Jewish name was Bar-Jesus, while Elimas is an Arabic name which means " wise. " Hence name "magician", originally applied to the priests of Persia. In the LXX, only in Daniel 2:2, Daniel 2:10, the "astrologers" of Babylon. In the Greek version of Daniel top of Theodosius also in Chapters 1:20, 2:27, 4:7; 5:7,11,15.

Farmak SORCERER (φαρμακός)
adjective that means "devoted to magical arts." is used as a name, a sorcerer, especially when applied to drug users, potions, enchantments.
MEN WHO WERE mentioned in the Bible?
Wizards witnessed the miraculous events that took place with the birth of Jesus. The wizards knew the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah, the true King, and acknowledged that the birth of Jesus fulfilled those prophecies.
What does BROUGHT YOU THESE: gold, incense and myrrh?
Wizards gave these expensive gifts because they were present valuable to the future king. Students of the Bible have been on gifts, symbols of Christ's identity and what he could accomplish. Gold was a gift fit for a king, incense, a gift to a deity, myrrh, a species for a mortal man, their suffering and that he would die, but we can see that the functions prophetic, priestly and royal Christ appears in these present. These gifts could provide financial resources for the journey of Joseph and Mary and baby Jesus on his return to Egypt
If we examine the verse in Matthew 2:11 The Wizards offered him gifts and worshiped Jesus as He was. This is the essence of true worship: honoring Christ for him and be willing to give what we consider valuable. Adore God that is perfect, just and powerful creator of the universe, worthy of the best that one can give.
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