Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kates Playgroundmovies


The film is based on the novel by Pär Lagerkvist, Barabbas tells the story of the moment Pontius Pilate when given a choice to the people who release Barabbas, or Jesus, people choosing Barabbas, thereupon is released and reunited with his friends who greet him with surprise. Barabbas asked where his wife Rachel to what his friends replied that since he (Barnabas) was learned, his wife followed in the footsteps of Jesus after his wife back with him but his attitude totally changed towards him.
Moments after witnessing all the sky is dark because that Jesus had been crucified, that Barabbas goes to the grave and is seen as his tomb is closed, from 3 days Barabbas returns to see if it was true that the People commented about Jesus resurrected and his wife Rachel encunetra beside the open grave who told him that the body of Jesus was not resurrected it, Barr said that the followers of Jesus might steal the body and hid it and will look, then find the place where the apostles are hidden and asks them what they did with the body making fun of them.
. A few days
his wife Raquel is arrested accused of following the teachings of Jesus and lead to stone with injustice. Over the years Barabbas returns to his old life of crime and is caught again after the Roman soldiers and brought before the authorities who tell him that a person has been chosen for their release could not be sentenced to death again (referring when they chose between Jesus and Barabbas), so it was sentenced to life in a sulfur mine in this place is to ZAHEK a Christian man who was sentenced for the crime of liberating other slaves, upon learning that Barabbas was hate, but last year the mine suffered a collapse just managing to survive Zahek Barabbas and managing to have grace in the eyes of the local prefect's wife who tells him her husband to carry them because the men considered lucky to have survived the collapse.
Over time both are taken to where the Gladiators and are trained to fight Romans fighting, much mud as they are very good Zahek defeat many gladiators getting stronger, the problem starts from the Roman soldiers when they realize that Zahek talks about the teachings of Jesus and sentenced to death, an elite Gladiator named Torvald kills him with this challenge to anyone who wants to follow Jesus Barabbas getting awaken a hatred to Torvald for killing Zahek, Zahek not die without telling Barabbas maybe JESUS \u200b\u200bhas a plan and tells him to follow his footsteps, in that time tried to find Barrabés GOD but says he could not.
. Zahek
the death, Barabbas apparently wants no part of Christians, but something inside him that makes you curious about the teachings of Jesus. Barabbas decide to stand against the gladiator in the coliseum Torvald victorious BARABBAS making and being able to obtain freedom by the Emperor Nero. Barabbas is the place where they buried his remains Zahek and takes and takes them where Christians gathered in secret Zahek was telling that one of them and to give him a decent funeral.
Some time later the city of Rome is burning and the Roman soldiers seize a suspect Barabbas, Barabbas told that a Christian (perhaps influenced by his wife Rachel and her friend Zahek) and is sentenced to death by crucifixion.
IS A GREAT MOVIE WITH A GREAT STORY THAT YOU MUST NOT LOSE leaves us great lessons and mercy of God to man as sinner and forgives his grace, we can also mention 2 emotional moments:
1 .- When Rachel's wife dies Barabbas stoned as we can see her face shows a certain joy in knowing that you will find Jesus and apparently she can see at the time of his death aJESUCRISTO SAME, as she reaches out as if someone was holding and seconds later dies.
. 2 .-
Zahek, Christian man does not care what you say the Roman Empire and begins to share with the Roman soldiers on lessons JESUS, even give you a choice that if you abandon the teachings of Jesus and worship the Roman Emperor would spare his life, but refuses Zahek saying that only follow Jesus even if it cost him his life, we can also see as Zahek in his last moments he saw in Barabbas to a friend who needed forgiveness from God telling him that Jesus Barabbas would be waiting.

These 2 events were perhaps those who made the movie Barabbas despite being a sinful man, the harsh and believe that they deserved the pardon of God, Barabbas eventually even told the Roman Empire is a follower of JESUS \u200b\u200bCHRIST costing him his life being crucified. THIS IS WHAT GOD MADE IN THE LIFE OF vilest sinner who repents, IT MAKES A WORK OF ART LIKE HIS SON JESUS \u200b\u200bCHRIST
The film is divided into 7 parts of 100 megs each and 1 of 50 Mb with AX 3.5 the program can download it from the right side of this blog in the section "Useful program."
TO SEE THE MOVIE: To use the program AX 3.5: This program only has the functions join (JOIN) and cut (CUT), Save all the parts of the film in the same folder, as are all together, open the "AX 3.5" and click on JOIN (Attached) from AX locate the folder where you saved the movie files, select the file with the number zero "0" and click Open, and then click on JOIN FILES (attach files) and go. Since you have the full movie file, you can remove all parts of the movie because they are no longer necessary.
If you can not see the video download video codecs in the section "Useful program, I recommend downloading them as it has all the codecs you need today.
Format: .AVI / XVID
Weight: 740 Megas
Duration: 2hrs. 17 min.
Language: English with English subtitles.
Quality: Excellent
Barabbas www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.avi.0
Barabbas www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.avi.1
Barabbas www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.avi.2
Barabbas www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.avi.3
Barabbas www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.avi.4
Barabbas www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.avi.5
Barabbas www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.avi.6
BARRADAS www_decristoparati_blogspot_com.avi.7
NOTE: If you want to put these links somewhere else please credit gives rise to this is to help maintain active links. Thanks.


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