Monday, December 21, 2009

How To Make A Portable Screen Display


Eliana and I wish all followers of the blog, Peace, Health and Happiness this holiday season and a better 2010 for everyone. Lito and Eliana

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Athletic Dept Biala Nike

Liliana a good friend of Gladys, made me this gift, it helps me a lot. Lito

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vietnam Sailboatorigami

is our desire to share this card with all your friends.
Eliana and Lito.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Vertical Blinds Spares

Manzanita, Manzanita ......

I dedicate this post to Marisol, the blog Cooking just turned one a few days ago with his blog and through this post I want to say hello, Happy birthday blog!
I cook every day, but do not do great things, all very practical, safe and healthy, I think if this is the blog starts to work well, and not as it has done so far to post an entry to INCOMPLETE, 3 days late ! I will use my photo file because I cook now, they will not be anything Oh, Oh, no Hmmmmmm, Namsos, Namsos, jajajjaj, because everything is, purees, steaks, grilled chicken, vegetables, rice , and so on. etc.

3 blocks
brown sugar 3 tablespoons natural cane sugar (or white, I'm not racist)
1 / 2 cup of water 1 strip
thin lemon peel, cut into julienne (zester)
Optional: raisins, almonds toast, whipped cream, dulce de leche,

Remove the seeds out and apples (cored say it gives me a little sad ...) put them in a saucepan, fill with sugar, add cup water, lemon zest and cook until tender, over very low heat, in a method that is almost steamed, are not excessively sweet. Apples are a good source of fiber and chromium, as well contain quercetin, a flavonoid phytochemical that helps to remove cholesterol from the blood, among other things that if I start to enumerate ended not more, have high power of satiety and the saying goes that an apple a day keeps the doctor away .... ? something was the truth, I forgot.

Optional: Add raisins raisins into the apples before cooking.
Serve alone or with toasted almonds, caramel, whipped cream, etc.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trash Talking Phrases

Happy Easter! and awards

Prepare these Easter eggs is extremely fast and easy, in this case I used red onion skins and leaves of the garden, leaned the leaves on the eggs, then wrapped with red onion skins, pierced cling film and eggs wrapped in perforated film with paper, tied with cotton thread (is a new technique that I just invented the role of film) put them in boiling water about 8 minutes, let cool in their own water and go.
Each year, prepare and present bought some chocolate eggs, those if I did not ever.
Read about the history and meaning of Easter eggs as well as preparation of these here Easter eggs.
extremely scarce time, my energy is still not 100%, I try every day to adapt to my new status, I do not want to continue spending more days without thanking the awards have given me: Mariana
blog sweet face for Gold blog award, I invite you to stop by your blog and enjoy its sweet and delicious recipes. Nidia's blog
simple recipes who daily presents simple recipes, healthy and rich, to enjoy, and it through this award gold Blog wishes to encourage to keep going, do not hesitate Nidia, so be it.
John, my friend's blog Kitchen amateur who has given me the award Blog with music but this blog does not have it, because music is in my soul, thanks John! be sure to visit your blog, it feels like home. Eva's blog
Ma petite boulangerie where everything is cooked and most importantly and I love it diferenetes bread types and using different techniques.
To all: THANK YOU! Small
after placing images, links, awards have gone, saved, and hit the publish button will erase all !!!!!! LPMQLP
this blog is bringing me gray hair black, but I'm not win, aAlthough can not put pictures of the prizes at least grant them one to each person and the first will be to: Mandragora

Gold blog award to your blog with love Recetillas

Powell's Blog Ana Magic Flavors music blog award because she play music in each of your recipes sweet or savory. Cristina's blog

's Kitchen prize Crinch this blog is a gem

Monday, April 6, 2009

Veet Strips Brazilian Wax

Focaccia di Recco

This recipe I first saw in a book by Donato de Santis, a cook I admire, in a book that my sister gave me a long time and with the slogan written that my blog was in the "top ten" of a directory of blogs from Argentina, (well my dear sister, I already reported)
As soon as I saw the recipe, I immediately fell in love with the focaccia, but I must admit Donato recipe in this book, it is not clear, or maybe I am unclear, so what you find here is a version of this I thought was very good.
On a day like today so sorry for the Italians who have suffered the quake, from here all my sympathy for those who have lost family, home, belongings, and heads I wonder ....? How is it possible that having all technology, not the people have evacuated to avoid greater evils, and have arrested the person who days earlier announced over the loudspeakers, the street that the earthquake was coming and the reaction was stopped, it can be ...? be so? is it true? could have prevented the loss of life?
Focaccia di Recco or focaccia focaccia to formaggio cheese or

For the dough: (With this amount of flour focaccia size I got a normal pizzeria pizzeria and a half size) 300 grams of flour

000 120 cc .
salt water about a pinch

Filling 700 grams of Stracchino
(used Cuartirolo cheese)
Some coarse salt for sprinkling
olive oil spray

Mix ingredients for dough, flour, salt and water, let stand at least an hour, once the split time stretching the dough and go first with a rolling pin and then help with the back of hands or on a large cloth, stretch until it is thin and transparent as strudel dough.

Extend a mass on a pizza lightly oiled, place the walnut size pieces of cheese, as seen in the image, any amount of cheese is low, because after cooking is less, not scared and put muuuuuucho cheese, which are rich and wealthy put them muuuuuuuuucho.

Cover with another dough and make small cuts to his hands, a knife or scissors as in the image, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with coarse salt grains. Bake in oven requetecaliente few minutes, until well, if the oven will not brown well help with the grill or grill a few seconds.

tell you I can not stop a person who attends on a regular basis to dinner at my house said: Ah! is a cake ...... Almost killed him! and offend my focaccia, look to call her cake!

I think with wine or beer is very bien.para serve as an entry light before the meal, mhhhhh, I can not wait to eat again and feel the crunch and salt of sea salt with the cheese, do not dare to do it? hahaha, I made some time ago and I think I make this holy week without fail.

Optional: A few rosemary leaves over before going to the oven, do not go bad, no? but the transformer would be, better let her there, which is perfect, the Queen.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Toe Cuticle Infection Cures

Cantucci anise baked potatoes microwave

Immediately after seeing this recipe here I wanted to make, these bis-Cotti (2 x cooked) are great for keeping in jars (provided there is one) and go enjoy a little accompanied by a cup a coffee.

Ingredients: 270 grams
self-rising flour (or flour + baking powder)

30 cornstarch 75 grams of fat (butter)
25 cc. 65 grams of milk sugar

2 eggs 1 tablespoon anise seed rasa
Zest of ½ lemon 1 pinch of salt

Beat butter at room temperature with sugar, add milk, egg, and then the anise seeds, zest grated lemon, pinch of salt, flour and cornstarch, mix until smooth, divide into two and form two rolls, place on a greased and floured baking sheet, flatten slightly with your fingers to loosen the round, cooking 180 ° oven for 25 minutes, remove, let stand 15 minutes and cut into diagonal, bring back to the oven and allow to brown on both sides again.
I had to add some more flour and cornstarch that specified in the recipe, you notice that my eggs were larger (the hen's better) or maybe the flour absorbed less moisture these cantucci I loved. Thanks Fior di latte !

These cupcakes are the one dedicated to Mariana who lives in Mendoza Argentina, for the prize has given me "blog friendly" and invite you to visit it on his blog " face sweet "has some delicious desserts to enjoy and it happened to Sil is also Argentina and lives in northern Italy and from her blog just cook teaches us several recipes and carving vegetables, to Peter's blog seriously and in jest " that amuse us with his witty and sometimes think, and that from his blog Julito " Pan pa hunger today pa tomorrow while I enjoy cooking and preparing original dishes.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Best And Easiest Way To Clean Suede Boots

prepared microwavable potatoes are quick to make and retain best flavor and nutrients.
Solo is necessary to thoroughly wash the potatoes with a brush under running water and thoroughly cleaned once, pricked with a fork or toothpick, wrapped in cling film suitable for microwave cooking or in bags for the same purpose, you can also bring to boil in glass bowl with lid, but take a little longer.
microwave oven to cook 4 medium potatoes require about 8 minutes, depending the power of it, the potatoes are done when tender when pricked be noticed, you can click to prove his point without removing the bag.
Allow to cool and then remove the peel, prepare them with chopped parsley, olive oil, salt and pepper, or a salad with tuna and in the image, or to prepar mass crush potato gnocchi with these hot, or too cooking in the microwave and then add a touch of browning skillet or oven and sprinkled with rosemary leaves. Ls
microwave baked potatoes can be eaten in the shell, once ready frying, baking or jump in oil, grease or butter to give them a nice golden color quickly, or simply cut in half and butter (butter on top and black pepper and a sprig of green onion or herb of choice, or in this version of Stuffed Potatoes as here

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fugitive Recovery Clothing

apples and carrot cake cornstarch

The apple and carrot cake is my contribution to HEMC N ° 30, the theme is obviously the apple and the host of this event is Vanesa

apples and carrot cake.
Ingredients: 200 grams
grated green apple 100 grams

shredded carrots 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon size
ginger coffee
grated 1 teaspoon lemon zest 300 grams
self-rising flour (or flour + 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder + 1 / 4 teaspoon baking soda)

4 eggs 250 ml. Sunflower oil 350 grams sugar

Pecalentar oven to 180 degrees, coat the molds with butter (butter) and sprinkle with flour.
Sift flour with baking soda and baking powder, separate the white and yolks of two eggs, set aside.
Beat oil and sugar and gradually add the eggs, beat well and add the 2 yolks aside, add the grated carrots, apple, peel lemon, ginger, lemon juice and sifted flour.

Beat the 2 egg whites separate bowl until stiff and stir gently into the dough, divide in 2, separate the mixture into 2 pans or 3 as I do, bake 45 minutes in oven 180 degrees, leave the molds for a few minutes, unmold and cool on a rack

This cake is smaller, the larger the environment first and disappeared without a photo, the star of I supporting a plastic star on the cake and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

always prepare three small cakes, and keep in the freezer, thaw when one of them, spray with icing sugar and yum

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Started Running And No Longer Having A Period


Happy Valentine's Day to all lovers: of life, love, your partner, the arts, sciences, pastries, jajajjaa for today alfajores prepared these heart-shaped gift, I saw them there on a blog in the shape of hearts and I agreed on what I would like to tell me, I copied the format, this recipe is that I published long. Last year I prepared
700 alfajores to give away and enjoy a Symposium, I round, absolutely tiny bite-size.


100 grams of butter (butter) ½ cup sugar

1 egg yolk 1 whole egg

half lemon zest 1 cup
and a quarter of corn starch
or cornstarch ½ cup self-rising flour (or replace flour + 1 teaspoon baking powder and 1 / 2 teaspoon baking)
Dulce de leche and coconut filling required amount

Preparation: Beat butter and sugar until creamy.
mix well Add the egg yolks and egg white, lemon zest, cornstarch and flour into a mass without working hard, let stand in refrigerator at least 30 minutes, stretched to ½ inch thick on a table dusted with flour and starch, cut medallions the size you prefer (or hearts, as in this case) placed on a greased baking sheet or silicone mold and bake in moderate oven for 15 minutes or less, depending on the size, should not be golden cooking, are ready once they are ground. Unmold
, cool and join in pairs with dulce de leche and coconut on the sides
not quit, are great for gifts, if they do not like caramel can be joined with jam to taste, with or without coconut or unsweetened as cookies are very rich.

With Martuki who gave me the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking heart-shaped and Cova for reminding me, the "alfacorazón" were very good, enjoyed with friends and family.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blueprints For The Lunar Module Destroyed?

Casserole beef, onion and sweet potatoes

With this casserole dish - soup-stew-stew, participated Fox's proposal for the event
"Eintopf" , this is a meal for me it tastes to enjoy family, is rich in every season (though we eat it in winter) is easy, takes very few ingredients, is inexpensive, indispensable eat with a spoon and accompanied by bread. , Has just premiered name, baptized casserole of meat, potatoes and onions, because I never knew his name.


1 / 2 kilo of meat cut into cubes-1 beautiful, large chopped onion - 4 large potatoes peeled and cubed-oil amount needed - vegetable stock or boiling water quantity needed

salt, black pepper

Optional: pinch of red pepper, oregano and bay leaf.

put in a greased pan to cook the cubes of meat, let cook for one side without stirring, once they are browned, stir and allow to sear the other side, then add the chopped onions, let the onion brown, add potatoes , cut into cubes, stir to prevent sticking and keep adding vegetable stock or boiling water to raise the bottom of cooking that will give that nice dark color and make the sauce, season to taste, cook covered until potatoes are tender and have fired some of its starch, broth becomes creamy, comeeeeeeer it cools.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Muscle Building Powder Drinks Under 18 Years

Bread meets Grandma and blog without candles

One year ago today I edited my first post, so today I did not make cake with candles, but bring to share with everyone who joined me for a year this sweet bread sweet family, each year I prepared my mother and I hope so hard because we are a typical family worshiper Argentina dulce de leche, this Christmas I said that this year I really wanted to do, it was hot, has 81 years, and I love making fresh bread, I gave an exact recipe of the dough because they do so many years, it was done ojimetro, but basically sweet bread dough with a layer of caramel and a sort of streussel above, I made a sweet bread dough my way, plus the addition of caramel, sweet and well our typical sandblasting German cakes, resulting in a fusion of different nationalities, like us, most of which inhabit this country.
Each time the pan dulce was claimed that he lacked all fresh milk and the first time I did I put both the sweet slipped to the bottom of the cake, we ate well, was cloyingly riiiiiiiiiico, hahaha. Today
just 2 sweet breads prepared with the proportion of dulce de leche corrected, are still warm, the dough out delicious, tender, fluffy, very good, worth trying.
They are dedicated to all those who accompany me, pamper me when I'm sad, sweet to my ear with his words of affection, I have a pile of words I can not express and emotions, all THANK YOU and I apologize that these days I do not make time to answer the comments and mails that I have remaining, I want you to know that I read.
A big hug to everyone.
Ingredients: Yeast pre
20 grams of fresh yeast
100 cc.
milk 1 tablespoon sugar 150 grams flour

For the dough: 450 grams



pinch of salt 15 g fresh yeast 100 grams

sugar 1 tablespoon honey 5 yolks

100 cc.

water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

zest of 1 lemon (yellow part)

140 grams of butter cream

For the filling: 500 grams

dulce de leche



60 grams of cold butter

100 grams of flour 100 grams sugar

previous Mass:

Mix all ingredients and allow to double


Crust: Mix flour with a pinch of salt, a crown and placed in the center after mass, yeast, sugar, honey, egg yolks, water, vanilla essence and grated lemon, mix the ingredients into the dough, adding a little butter to a cream or ointment, to integrate it well, (here is where you put together a horrible pastiche that never seem to be joined), but not to despair, Thus adding the butter makes a spongy crumb, tender, test ...... continue until the dough comes off the table, forming a roll cover and let rise. Once

leavened, degas, divide the dough into 2 portions, each stretch separately and place in a greased and floured pan (I used 2 pans of approximately 22x22) once in the mold roll the dough and make the edges a bit higher to keep the sweet escape. Divide the caramel and place in 2 above smearing the dough gently, letting light.

Once the dough is levada take cold butter, cut into cubes and mix the ingredients for the streusel, which are like balls, divided into two portions, and place in the sweet milk, bake at 170 ° 40 50 minutes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jewel De Nyles Last Movie Streaming

fried Hake

I am back at home, with some time to meet my blogadicción, no one reproach me, today my post will be based on hake expensive for us and about to be exterminated and badly sold for export, our seas and plundered by pirates, as we all know, that we'll talk! in order ....
I know fish is healthy, good for the brain and pin and bread, which is best eaten grilled or baked, but to me the way I like it fried, I think you already I said, hmmmm, I'm very repetitive.
I put a clove of garlic to this recipe, but very small, say it was a baby tooth, is that garlic hates me, I get kicked in the stomach, but is healthy, I fell bad, but it is so rich .
The recipe is for two, one who eats little (me) and one who eats and how!

Ingredients: 1 Filette
450 grams chopped 1 clove garlic chopped fresh parsley
large spoon Salt


pepper 3 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons water
or milk Preparation:
Filette hake Wash, dry with paper kitchen, cut into pieces, season.
Break the egg (that's easy) and place in a bowl, add the parsley, garlic, ditto, 3 tablespoons of baking flour, baking flour if you do not use flour with a pinch of baking powder, mix and form a paste, put the fish that swim in the dough everywhere, let stand a few minutes.
Put sunflower oil in a small saucepan, enough to cover oil to fry fish, that not having contact with air, it absorbs less oil, heat over medium heat, fry the fish until cooked, drain on absorbent paper, serve with a green salad and lemon. And presto! enjoy.
took me longer to post that in cooking, for uploading images made me lose time today, GRRRRRRRR, blue out the opening with another program and the same, grrrrrr, I hope that now go well.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Soon Before Period Does Cervix Open


Melon with ham, easy, cool, rich, could put many more adjectives to describe this snack.
This post is dedicated to the blog Pilar Pans by Friendly Blog Award has given me, this is the second I get, the former because I've dedicated an entry I could not pass as is the case for lack of time, in real, friendly are all the blogs I visit and I visit, but right now I'm at my sister to 1000 km. mine and missed a moment to post on the blog at the risk of being accused of blogadicción and before that happens quickly passed it on to Dolors , Marcia and Marisol and all my cyberfriends.

came yesterday and tomorrow return to home and still counting, maybe not, because after spending 12 hours sitting in a group do not know if I will feel like sitting back, at least for a while.


melon balls
Prosciutto SLICED

Make melon balls with noisette potatoes teaspoon diced or cut, if round to leave a flat part that will base to support the melon, cut each slice of ham with a cut along the width and one in four equal pieces and roll each piece, pierced with a toothpick or small fork on the melon and ... yum yum
