Monday, February 28, 2011

Are Women Attracted To Noses


For several requests and above all self-motivated I designed the calendar sheets to keep them for class, you can use to you of what you will because I have not numbered the days.
To download so you only have to click on the picture or HERE it.
What if I ask in return that you realize while downloading reviewing leave me a comment (for better or worse) on the designs.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Free Full Length Movies Of Teachers And Students


I found a poem in the months of the year in blog autism in my family there and more " I liked it, plus pictograms

I've made the point to be stored with other poetry, but the result was beautiful with the drawings.

Acrylic Mirror Monogram

Chickpeas cooked with ham or corned beef pie, ham and chicken (Thermomix)

This recipe was born of a mistake: I wanted to make the roll Italian beef, but had not bought enough ground beef .... so I decided to mess a bit and see what came out.
went out delicious meatloaf ... which I highly recommend it.
I wonder how many great recipes have been born with: an error. Someone who is leavened dough too much, or that he "disgraced" a tortilla going to give return ... They say that so did, for example, the famous "Tarte Tatin" the cook almost burned her apples, and decided to place them, along with candy, at the bottom of the mold, to conceal the disaster and putting up the dough ...
And I always thought that the famous "broken eggs" in their origin, must have been an attempt to hide some eggs fried "escacharrados" or a bad tortilla curd, who knows.
Another "error" fantastic, although it is not strictly a recipe, is the Torta del Casar : apparently, this cheese is made with vegetable rennet extracted from the thistle, which meant that, from time time, the cheese was not formed "good" and stay with a soft crust and creamy interior. And, you see: the cheese that went well did not have anything special ... and yet, the "defective" is a true delicacy.
So sometimes there are mistakes angel, lol ...
The truth is that when we have in mind to cook a particular recipe and see what we are missing ingredients or something we have not gone as well as they should, do not get discouraged. It's time to turn on the imagination, because they may not make the recipe you wanted, but we leave something delicious (well. .. sometimes, because I have in mind to post to my culinary disasters and misfortunes that you are going to fall for the laugh, lol).
I have a step by step, so I do not roll it up again, and go with the recipe, now there are many photos.

INGREDIENTS 300 grams of minced beef
1 chicken breast fillet (about 100 grams)
300 grams of cooked ham (those who can not or will not take pork luncheon meat can replace turkey).
150 grams of ham (the Iberian, if possible) into small cubes (also can be substituted for duck ham or beef bacon)

1 egg 100 ml evaporated milk or light cream Puleva
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
80 grams Parmesan cheese
grams onion 50 grams of pitted green olives

4-5 4-5 slices of cheese slices of ham (also replaceable deli turkey)

Salt and pepper For the sauce: 200 grams onion

150 grams of carrots
30 grams of olive oil
1 cutlery and a half (about 120 grams) of sherry

500 grams of water 2-3 tablespoons soy sauce Salt

chop the parsley in the Thermomix, programming 15 seconds at speed 6.

add the chopped parmesan,

... and pulverize, by repeatedly pressing the Turbo button.

add the onion, and chop, programming 6 seconds at speed 6.

Add the ham and chop it, also 6 seconds at speed 6 (no matter that they are larger pieces of ham).

Then add the chopped chicken (remove the gristle and bloody parts, if any), and chop also 6 seconds at speed 5.

Now is the Time chop ham. Cut it into strips, put it in the cup, and schedule 6 seconds, speed 6.

Let's add the beef, salt (salt cuidadin and prudence, as both the ham and cheese are salty), pepper, raw egg and evaporated milk or light cream.
Program 15 seconds, speed 4.

Now add the olives, cut in slices, and mix manually with a spatula. Take this opportunity to check the mixture is homogeneous, with all the ingredients well distributed.

elongated into a mold, place half the dough, spreading and equally well with a spatula, and compacting it, making sure that there are no gaps.
This is the time when I remove any "gristle" chicken that may have left (I can with them ...)
We now

slices of cheese ....

And above them, the ham ....

We cover the other half mass ....

and Horn (previously, we will preheat the oven) at 200 º for 30-35 minutes.

let cool, and unmold.

While baking, make the sauce without washing the glass of the Thermomix, put the chopped onion, carrots washed, peeled and chopped, and program speed 5 seconds 5.

add the oil, water, wine, soy and salt ....

and schedule 35 minutes Varoma, Speed \u200b\u200b2 and 1 / 2.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This sauce, like the Italian beef roll, sometimes tends to stick, because they consume all the liquid. I have not managed to find out why, because I always weight and measure the ingredients, temperature and time, but sometimes the liquid evaporates before, and on occasion I have had some "anger" (mostly, because it attaches to the bottom of clean glass and fatal).
By the way, do not leave the machine unattended for the last 10 minutes of cooking: you can that you have to stop even 5-7 minutes before the scheduled time, because you have consumed enough fluid and are made of vegetables.
In any case, let cool, and grind speed 30 seconds 6-8.

We serve the whole pie ...

O slicing. No cortéis very thin slices, could be undone. And wait forever to be cold to cut.
To avoid opening, we need to compress much the second layer of meat, we put on the cheese and ham. So there are no gaps, which then interfere with the slicing of the meat.

Serve at room temperature, with hot sauce.
Hope you like. Happy Sunday to all.

Soul Silver Walk Through Walls


Friday, February 25, 2011

Current Crr Rate 2010

SAL "The Red Thread" February delivery

For days I have completed the delivery of SAL February Red Thread, but as I build up the work, had not been able to get on the blog. Could not happen today, so here it is.
I think he's being very funny ... In fact, I like more than you thought when I started it.

I'm getting little buttons with different forms of pearl and fimo. I think that is better than with automatic closures are planned in the Scheme (although the closures are not bad, but I prefer the little buttons).

Here you can see it all (which took embroidery so far):

(You have to see what the damn wrinkled linen: by December, when ends the SAL, will be the poor man made a pass, lol ...)
That's right: going out very long, I will hang on the ladder, so you have enough space width (high no problem, does not measure too).

And, well, I had thought to supplement this post with a stuffed pimientitos, hehehehe ....

But, no, do not panic!. No need to call the keepers yet. Instead of filling
anything, I show some progress in the work I have in progress. This is the state, today, 4 minus 10 pm, English time:

THE Matrioska:

And (taking advantage of the mother of the child is too busy to go to my blog, lol) THE BIRTH OF BEATRIX POTTER:

The boy decided to break with tradition that mothers gilts usually give birth late on the scheduled delivery date, and was born three weeks in advance. So the bull caught me, what can we do. I will try to finalize it as soon as possible, so you can take when you know:

What looks good?. To me, the more we'll profile, the more I like. After electing a framework should be right ... but there is still a little to think of framing. I hope to move quickly.

Kisses and happy weekend everyone.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Memorial Plaque Wording For A Volunteer


know that when a child of God works for his work and is a blessing to many people, she has carried the gospel of Christ to many places, the enemy will always put minority and could not with his sister went against child. She confident in God and hopes his will.

in my life as a Christian I've only heard 2 people with immense pain have said those words: one is Paul Washer and the other person is the sister Miriam.
same is what many Christians in Mexico has been happening: "PERSECUTION" from envious people who have no love and try to harm us and defame us and our families.
PRAYERS FOR OUR SISTER MIRIAM Eliab and his son that he can return home soon.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Web Based Point-of-sale

Rice with mushrooms, dried tomatoes and ham (Thermomix).

did not think I had time to return to participate in the contest organized rice Special on his blog.
But, of course, with rice that we in this house would have been weird this week not fall any Arrocet. And here it is.
You know what I'm fond of this type of rice in Thermomix: there are very tasty, very sueltecitos out grains, and also made the sauce last night and today I only had to warm up a tad, sauté rice, and add the broth.
The dried tomatoes was a real discovery for me since I live in Alicante (before, never been used, not even remember seeing it in stores). Either dry or rehydrated in water or oil, give the dish a special touch. Attention: it is salty thing to keep in mind when adding salt when cooking.
For this dish, I used dried mushrooms, in particular a mixture containing boletus , trumpets of death, and other varieties. The water used to rehydrate the use to cook the rice (adding more amount of broth, of course ...).
Tip: If you have forgotten to rehydrate the mushrooms in time, you can enter them in a microwave safe bowl, fill with water, cover, and set 3-4 minutes to 800w. Aceleraréis so much the process of hydration.
Well, get to the point (pun intended, lol):

INGREDIENTS (for 3 normal people, or 2 hungrier than a blind dog, and, of course, single-dish):
200 grams of rice

5 tomatoes 150 grams of dry cured ham (serrano or normal) to cubes or strips.
100 grams of dried mixed mushrooms. A handful

herbes de Provence 1 / 2 yellow bell pepper (if you have not, use red or green) 1 small tomato

1 medium onion 750 grams of vegetable stock. This is the amount of fluid we need, therefore, if we use water to rehydrate the mushrooms (which I recommend), we will use the broth as it takes to complete the 750 grams.
We may also use water with a vegetable broth, or a spoonful of vegetables concentrate.
Sal (with caution: both the ham and dried tomatoes are salty).
100 grams of olive oil

Chop the onion, and chop into Thermomix for 4 seconds at speed 5. Add oil and fry 9 minutes Varoma temperature, speed 2 (no shaker).
add the pepper and tomato, chop 4 seconds at speed 5, and sauté 5 minutes, Varoma, speed 2.
Cut dried tomatoes into small pieces or strips, we add to the glass with Provencal herbs, and sauté 3 minutes, speed, spoon, turn left, Varoma temperature.
Add the ham, and sauté 4 minutes, Varoma, speed, spoon, turn left. And finally, add the chopped mushrooms (but not into very small pieces), and sauté 3 minutes, same speed and temperature. We tested the salt, by whether to add.
glass add the rice and fry 2 minutes, Varoma, spoon and speed left turn.
Finally, we take stock, and schedule 14 minutes, temperature 100 º, speed, spoon and turn left.
check whether the point of rice is to our liking, if you should need a minute more cooking.
If you prefer dry, we dump in the basket in a bowl to drain excess broth, and then move on to the platter.
I hope you like this Arrocito.

And, as always, I leave with a cool image. This time I'm closer than in the previous post: it is a sunset in Extremadura (Badajoz, to be exact ... And to be yet more specific, somewhere between Almendral and Valverde de Leganés). Part 2
Happy week to everyone.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Which Manufacturers Is Best For Ati Radeon

Clip Art for School Welcome Sign

High Capacity Dvd Changer

stew beef, or beef cooked in pressure cooker

today's recipe does not "catch a lot" with the prevailing temperature, now walk about 21 degrees in Alicante.
But do not confide, no. Since the saying goes: until May 40, do not take off your coat. And we're still at the end of February, so anything can happen.

Anyway, it's a simple dish and so delicious, that I would recommend except for the summer, because it is highly desirable could you be eating a stew of them sitting on the beach bar full of sand ...
Well, at the beach bar if we leave, because I can not understand why in this country the governments of either party have embarked on this crusade anti-stall "it is to monitor health conditions and quality of services and to monitor that no foreigner or the time the national, because there were things that cry out to heaven ... but from there to suppress radical, an abyss. I say, come on ...

In any case, try this recipe, the problem of closure of bars affects us less, because there is a very typical dish for the heats agosteños, no. It is better to enjoy a cold day, to gather ourselves together with a good wine (preferably from the Ribera del Duero, but that's just me: everyone likes the colors, lol), and looking out the window at the snowflakes fall snow or how cold wind blows ....

Speaking of wine: in this recipe use red wine. I recommend that is top quality: obviously, we will not give him a bottle of Pingus the stew, but between the Vega-SiciliaÚnico and "Uncle of the Boot" there are thousands of options, many of which are apañaditas pretty good price and quality. Or you can help us take that bottle of wine that has been by half after lunch or dinner ... And I guarantee you will leave dishes sparkling, lol.

( Note for non-Levantine, and Murcia, and vacationers on the beaches of Alicante and Murcia: " Uncle of the Boot " is or was, I do not know if it will continue to develop-a Jumilla wine quite quarrelsome, which in summer was announced by the beach for the traditional method of dragging small sign advertising the plane, together with the launch of plastic balls. It was worth seeing how the plane appeared as "The Uncle of the boot ", the staff was thrown into the water like crazy, trying to catch a ball Those were the days, hahaha!).

Well, I'll shut up now, I curl the Grandfather Chive. Al grain

1 kg of beef for stewing

1 green pepper 3 carrots, green beans 5-6

1 medium onion 4 medium potatoes 1 cup
red wine
Herbs de Provence (a handful)
1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon paprika

olive oil Salt 1 pill
vegetable broth (or 1 tablespoon vegetable concentrate)

Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
Chop onion and put it to soften in the pressure cooker with a dash of olive oil.
Add the chopped bell pepper, diced green beans and sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots. Sauté for a while until the onion is transparent, and the vegetables begin to be tender.
Add the cubed meat and fry quickly over high heat to seal it.
add the wine and potatoes, turning down the heat, and sauté a minute.
Add the water (just covering the meat), herbs, bay leaf, paprika, bouillon pill, and a little (very little) salt.
We let it boil, cover the pressure cooker, and cook for about 20 minutes (depending pots). Mine is the WMF Perfect, and I had the time, with 1 orange hairline off valve.
hope to depressurize the pot alone, and open. Check the salt.
can be made in advance (and almost is better overnight).
1) If you use mutton, we may need a tad longer, about 22-23 minutes. Also, some types of potatoes may require more cooking.
2) If we see a little dark sauce, just heat and stir.
3) If we like the sauce thicker, we can click a few potato pieces with the fingers, to give greater consistency.

And today, as always, I leave you with something you'll like:

is the National Park Torres del Paine, Chile (one day again ...).
I had to cut it a tad, because at that time was so dull that spoiled the photos with the date and time ... But I think you can see how impressive the place.
Kisses and happy week.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is Pledge Really Good For Wood?

Each course start or change of quarter we very strongly to school and we like to welcome families and students.
Anyone interested are in this sign that I made for occasions just click HERE to download it (without the url of my blog) and can print in a considerable size and to place it in an exclusive part of downtown .
Would you like it?