Monday, February 14, 2011

Putting Up Polystyrene Coving

eggplant stuffed with rice, lentils in Thermomix ... and progress in cross-stitch (Matrioska and birth)

What, you thought he had come spring?.
No, my children, no. Big mistake. You were very wrong: there are days of "scratch" fat frost and even snow.
And seriously, I I can not complain, because, although today it is a wind, a little neglect you, you fly the scarf, hat or anything a bit "loose" you wear, we have reached a high of 18 degrees, which is not exactly a proper temperature in Moscow or Antarctica. But inside, it seems that low temperatures threaten again.
In these cases .... What's better than a plate, spoon, of those "whole life"?. Who does not like some lentejitas?.
This recipe comes from Atina, a Swedish-Andalusian forera, great cook (which, unfortunately, not blog). And I guarantee that lentils are truly luxurious, delicious!. Furthermore, hardly fat ... but its flavor.
In the original recipe, lentils require no prior soaking. But I let them soak from the night before. I had too many "negative" experiences with lentils were hard, and I prefer to prevent. In addition, I was reading comments from people who also prepared, and some say they were putting great package directly, but others also soaked because they went the other way durum. So as not cost me anything, I'm more at ease if the soaking ... but, if you try without soaking them, to know that and go in the original recipe, lol.
I make them, as usual, with my tune "Brand the house. "Three vegetables that never fail: the potato, carrot and onion. also always carry some pepper, but the others the change as I please ... and what he has in the fridge: sometimes zucchini sometimes leak, sometimes more of pepper .... and also changes the "color" of the peppers, lol ... I always put
ham. And sometimes, if there is (and if we can allow "extra" calories and fat), add a bit of chorizo \u200b\u200bor sausage.
One last comment, I do them in the Thermomix 31, but the original recipe is designed for 21. I'll equivalence.
longer keep quiet, and I will put the recipe:

INGREDIENTS (For 4-5 people)
200-250 grams of lentils

1 tomato 1 bell pepper (sometimes red, sometimes green, depending on need)
1 onion 2 cloves garlic

I also add vegetables that have: sometimes I put 2 peppers instead of one, or a zucchini or two leeks ...)
4-5 carrots 2-3 medium potatoes

1 tablespoon paprika, or 1 / 2 if 1
spicy vegetable broth, or 1 tablespoon vegetable concentrate
1 bay leaf into pieces lean ham
large right (About 100-120 grams) of olive oil

Water or vegetable broth (if you use broth, no need to put the pill)

Salt Optional: chorizo \u200b\u200bsausage

garlic, onion, tomato, pepper, and vegetables that we add (minus the carrots and potatoes), chopped in the glass of the Thermomix. Add the oil and chop 5 seconds at speed 6. We went down with the spatula
which has run through walls, and schedule 10 minutes, speed 1, temperature 100 º.
Add the lentils, carrots, peeled and cut into small pieces, potatoes peeled and cut into cubes, bay leaf and ham filled the glass almost to the brim with water (and the vegetable stock or scoop concentrate) or broth. And we schedule 40 minutes at temperature 100 °, without putting the cup: "In the Thermomix
31, spoon-speed left turn.
"In the 21, we have to set the throttle and speed 1.
When there are 5 minutes, add (if you cast) or chorizo \u200b\u200bsausage into slices or chunks.

If you want them to freeze, give you a hint: put no potatoes. The baked potato can not take too well to freezing and changes in texture when thawed. In this case, you can prepare with the remaining ingredients, and the day when you go to eat, cocéis potatoes aside, troceáis, and you add to heat the lentils. It is not the same as cook all the ingredients, but "given the stick" very well.

And, after a warm dish, go with the TIME CROSS POINT.
not teach you the progress of "SAL" Red Thread " because I reserve for a separate entry, but I bring the matrioskas (no, not policies, the other, lol)

And the birthday of Beatrix Potter , that is becoming very cool, but I see no end, hahaha ....

The "Ackworth School " is Paradeta the poor. More than anything, because I'm getting more cane to Beatrix Potter, which is the only (along with the objectives of the SAL) I really hurry. As I finish, I will take up.

Well, have a nice week.
PD. Today is Valentine's Day (or "San Calentín" or "San Ballantines," according to taste), but I'm not going to let you put any plate on the topic, lol. Much respect to those who celebrate this date ... But I'm "not puedorrrrllll" to this day, from tiny. And, as I have partnered with someone who has the same mania that I, as today we have eaten a lentejitas, and all so happy, hahaha!.


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