Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best Rapper Ever Bracket

Potatoes with mushrooms and ham.

Well, even today we have a nice sunny day, and good temperature, the truth is that we still have half of winter. So we still have to endure cold weather.
So, as I said in another entry, I'll keep putting warm stews and dishes "Scoop", appropriate for these dates.
The first time I saw this recipe (which is Ondina, Mundorecetas forum ... well, to be fair, the recipe is from her husband, who is to be congratulated, lol) ... He said the first time I saw this recipe I had to reread it two or three times because I thought that I was wrong: without any water, without any liquid?. Is it only a little wine at the end?
Ya, I know that the mushrooms release water during cooking, but I was afraid of being grabbed around the bottom of the stew pot. But what will!.
The result is a delicious dish, where the mushrooms retain their flavor, and is transferred, along with a touch of ham, potatoes. The key issue is the intensity the fire: we cook on a fire MUUUYYY low, so that, little by little, both the mushrooms and onion releasing their juices going, and they cook the potatoes. But you can not imagine how rich you are.
Anyway, I recommend to watch out from time to time cooking, lest we have set the fire just a bit too strong and we are forced to reduce it to avoid the possibility of sticking.
A notice intolerant for pork and devour it not for religious reasons or because you do not like the ham: The original recipe has NO ham, so you can prepare just fine without him. To me it is already I know: I like the tune, and I love to throw ham and / or shrimp to things (especially the things I can not fill, lol).
And go with the recipe:


4-5 medium potatoes 300 grams of mixed mushrooms. If you want and you can, use only chanterelles, which is the best mushroom. The photos of Portobello mushrooms and fungi are poplar.
80 grams of ham into small cubes
extra virgin olive oil 1 handful

herbes de Provence 2 teaspoons paprika from La Vera, or 1 spicy

salt 1 / 2 cup dry white wine (in my case, I used sherry) 1 medium onion

diced onion. Peel and cut into pieces or slices (not too thick) potatoes. And wash it and chop the mushrooms in a pan
Put the onion, place it over the ham into small cubes, about him, potatoes, and, above all, the mushrooms. Sprinkle with herbs, salt it and add the paprika and oil (a dash, or 2-3 tablespoons). Cover the pan
, and put it over low heat. Do not carry water, it will become loose with which the mushrooms and onions.
The cooking time will depend on the kind of potatoes and mushrooms (it becomes about 1 hour or 1 hour and 1 / 4, but better taste).
the end, stir a little, add the wine, let cook 5 minutes, and withdraw.
We can serve them immediately or in advance. In this case, if the potatoes have absorbed the liquid, we add a little water when heated, making sure they do not stick.

You see how something so simple ... and I assure you they are a delight.

And now I leave you with a flower winter: thought.


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