Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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chicken balls, cheese and ham (For the contest "Make good use," the blog "Healthy and yummy"

Despite the usual lack of time chasing me when I read the reflections of Laube, blog "Healthy and yummy" , I decided to participate in that contest.
From tiny, hate throwing away food. Perhaps it is a product of my education, having heard so many times that of "How can you leave it on the plate, when so many children in the world starving?" ... whereupon, of course, I cat devoured everything (then, of course, complain that is good year, but that is another matter, lol).
The truth is that there is nothing that gives me most angry to finish pulling the leftovers of a dish that no one eat or find at the bottom of the fridge for a yogurt, or a package of salmon, cold meat, which are obsolete 1 week and that there is no other choice but to send them away. I feel sick, really. So Laube contest I found very useful and interesting, to give us new ideas and make us think a bit.

With Leftovers can make great dishes that will please everyone, and everyone will enjoy without knowing that they are eating the leftovers of yesterday, hahaha. There are times for pull anything, I think it's good that do not value what food cost and the amount of people who kill only to eat what we despise.
And, apart from resorting to socorridísimas (and delicious, incidentally) cakes, pies and pastries, it's good that we find new ideas to recycle the leftovers, and that from time to time we squeeze the brains out of that and demos chicken breast abandoned, the remains of yesterday's grilled fish, or vegetables such as only a small amount of them, sadly languishing in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for no other destiny than the garbage .

So today I bring you this recipe, which is a mixture of two others: the famous "mold chicken , and nuggets or breaded balls.

I love the cast of chicken. It is a delicious dish, which serves the same for a meal for a zenith of pecking, and that is very easy to do.
The trouble is that once the food, if left over in about half of the mold (or less), the dish "lost presence." This type of cake, once started, are more ugly and dull. Chicken and bacon from abroad tend to dry if you return to heat, and cold but are rich, are typical candidates to stay abandoned dishes in a corner of the refrigerator ... until no choice but to throw. No, sir, do not throw anything, hahaha.

In this case, I had prepared the "light version" of the pan of chicken, I mean, rather than wrap it with bacon, ham did. And it had tomato, ham only, of York, cheese and chicken. But we can quietly this "recycling" even if we made with bacon, tomato and olives. Although I sincerely would remove the tomato, because it can leave the mixture a bit watery.
So let the "modus operandi" of recycling:
need, first, the leftovers from the mold chicken. And, secondly, Japanese breadcrumbs (or any mixture of bread crumbs thicker and crispy batter), egg batter, and olive oil (extra virgin of course).
proceed to remove the cake pan chicken or external parts of the bacon or ham that has been roasted over (no need to withdraw all the siding, just what is burned, it would taste awful).
He then breaks it into small pieces. We put the pieces in the glass of the Thermomix, and schedule 6 seconds at speed 6 (in the case of not having Thermomix, we can use any robot or device chop meat cooking).
the dough, form balls. The pass through egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in hot olive oil, which are golden.
The drain them on a plate with paper towels, then move on to the serving platter ... And eat!.
I assure you that will leave no crumbs. Nor will see the faces traditional "cake again yesterday?" or "Oh dear, today we eat leftovers" .. Nor have the slightest idea that they are eating the remains of the pan of chicken, hahaha ...!
Hope you like, and who decides also to participate in the contest, if you have not already done so. There are four and a half days.


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