Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bilateral Cysts On Kidneys

Feminism and sexism by ARMANDO Alducin

1 Samuel 15:23 as the sin of divination is rebellion, and as idols and idolatry obstinacy. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.

Feminism is an ideology and a set of political movements, cultural and economic factors that are aimed at equal rights of women to men.

The history of feminism can be divided into three waves. The first wave appear in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, focusing primarily on the achievement of female suffrage, the second wave, appears in the 60 and 70 and focuses on the liberation of women, for Finally, the third wave, beginning in the 90 and extends to present and constitutes a continuation and a response to perceived gaps in the second-wave feminism. Feminism is a diverse set of currents, so it is more correct to speak of "feminisms" rather than "feminism" in the singular, we can find a wide variety of trends such as cultural feminism, liberal feminism, feminism radical ecofeminism, anarcho-feminist, feminism of difference, Marxist feminism, separatist feminism, feminist philosophy, Christian feminism, Islamic feminism, post-colonial feminism, lesbian feminism and critical feminism.
The first-wave feminism refers to the feminist movement that developed in England and America throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth century.
The Second Wave Feminist Movement Women's or women's liberation referred to a period of feminist activity beginning in early 1960 and lasts until late 1970.
As the first wave of feminism is primarily focused on overcoming legal obstacles (de jure) to the legal equality (suffrage, property rights, etc.), the second wave had a wide variety of issues, including inequality unofficial (de facto), sexuality, family, workplace, and perhaps most controversial in the reproduction rights. Tried to add an equal rights amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Third Wave Feminism is a term identified with several branches of feminism. Advocacy and research which began in 1990 and extends to the present. The move came as a response to perceived failures in the so-called second-wave feminism, the awareness that there is no single model for women, on the contrary there are many models of women, determined by social, ethnic, nationality or religion
machismo, a term derived from the word male, is the set of sexist attitudes and practices learned humiliating or offensive carried out for the maintenance of social order in which women are subjected or discrimination. Machismo is considered as the primary cause of heterosexist or homophobic behaviors. Conduct that permeates various levels of society from early childhood into adulthood with initiation of fraternities and other pressures of so-called peer groups. In this regard, the dictionary of the Royal Academy of English Language defines machismo as "arrogant attitude of men towards women."
machismo encompasses all attitudes, behaviors, beliefs and social practices designed to justify and promote maintenance of behavior traditionally perceived as male heterosexuality, and also discriminate against women.
. Today
machismo is considered as an oppression of females and one of the most important social problems. Machismo is not only direct cause of gender violence or violence against women, but often it is also other types of domestic violence (citation needed).
Machismo also punish any behavior they consider feminine in men, which is the basis of homophobia. Since a behavior or sexual preference different from that typically calls machismo, contributing to dilute the differentiation stereotypical machismo.
Machismo is a set of attitudes present not only in the behavior and thinking of their own men, but even among women. Source: Wikipedia.
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Seeing the meaning of feminism and sexism, we can clearly see that both movements are extreme abuse in the conduct of women and men, respectively, especially in Latin American countries where machismo prevails, making the woman an object, a domestic slave, a sex slave, and where from childhood is taught indirectly to the man that she only serves to serve and satisfy the whims of man, but despite that in Latin America is considered where the men are believed mostly males, in some countries of the world comes fully to the ends of denigrating women so low that it is considered worse than an animal, we can see the case of Arab and Muslim countries where woman is treated as an object, such as India, Afghanistan or China where women from girls are seen as cursed, made in India when a girl is born, the family prefer to leave the girl or even kill it, and consider the man as a "hero" or a blessing for the family, see the case of Muslim countries where women are being found guilty of a felony, such as adultery, woman is sentenced to be stoned, stoned, or even being murdered her own husband po front of the whole crowd, even condemned to be mutilated their sexual organs in those countries there are no rights for women, no respect, no value, she just used to having children and not given the recognition it deserves.
In countries like China where blatantly kill girls from babies due to birth control is sad to see how the streets are run and abandoned baby girls as if it were some object, some trash or garbage.
In the XXI century where we have great scientific and technological advances, and where everything seems to be making great strides continue committing acts so terrible as to treat women worse than an animal.
mentioned some countries where women are treated like an animal, but now let's go to Latin America where the dominant male culture, in most households women have been taught that only serves to meet the needs of man, many men have been trained since childhood to view women as being inferior, " brought this to the man in his "machismo" treats women as sexual objects, as a servant without rights, and as a machine to have and raise children, different forms of abuse against women: physical abuse, psychological abuse , sexual abuse (even within marriage), even many men are married but not love, but to have a maid, a sexual object, and send someone.
There are cases where the man insults and psychological abuse of women, his wife, his daughters, their mothers, and where women are created all the insults that the "macho" they said. This is so serious because there are women who started well, which are well mentally, and end up believing the lies of the man who insulted and offended, and end up being beaten, abused, threatened and manipulated by their own husbands.
This type of violence against women occurs in all social classes and all races, and a very sad thing is that machismo THE CHURCH IS IN.
Now for the other side of the coin where the woman is abusing the man, and was introduced into activities that only belong to men.
. Today we
see women in their struggle against sexism and tired of being the "servant" of the male, women have spoken out and has been that women are respected in all areas of your life, but also as a result of this have been abused by women against men, as well as I mentioned earlier about different cases of abuse by men against women, there are also the same mistreatment of women to men, we can see different movements "feminist" or pseudofeministas as "YES TO ABORTION" where the woman is believed to own the life and where he believes he has the right to decide who live or not live, so it found women who have made men slaves and have been abused psychologically and women as man comes to believe all the insults of his wives, in the long run this will bring serious consequences and we can see where there matriarchal homes and where is the woman who wears the pants in the house .
From the Biblical perspective, God commanded the woman who was subject to her husband and so it ordered the husband to hold his wife because they would both be one flesh, God commanded the man to be the service provider's from home and not women, but we live in a society where women are playing roles that belong to man, there is even marriages where the man stays at home and women work, families where the boss is not Mum and Dad, this is unbiblical, women controlled by spirits of witchcraft, the spirit of Jezebel, women who hate men, this is not normal and is completely out of the Will of God, even there are women who hate God and His Son Jesus Christ by saying that GOD IS SEXIST.
But there is also something that as men we must analyze, "Why are many women in the jobs that correspond to the male? "Why women are revealing to men? the answer is easy: BECAUSE THE MALE HAS FAILED TO GOD.
The man in the world, God has failed, no weaker vessel has been treated as wives, has failed to educate their children, has refused to humble themselves before God and their wives.
There are many Christian men who have asked "WHY Finally, there are many women who preached in the pulpit?? "WHAT THIS CASE IS NOT unbiblical? and the answer is the same: CHRISTIAN MAN HAS FAILED TO GOD AND GOD IS EXALTED WOMEN, and that is clear in Christianity today:

"People who attend the churches are more women
" People who look after their family today is women
"People who take the initiative to have Bible studies as a family are women
"People who teach their children to walk with God is women
" People that go to prayer meetings are women
"People who have decided to be missionaries are women
- People now have more passion for God are women
"People who care for the spiritual welfare of their children and their families are women
" People who speak most of the Word of God are women.
WOMEN !!!!!
And WHERE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MALE? THE MALE HAS FAILED TO GOD, and yet there are Christians in their ignorance men who are offended and say: that is unbiblical! GOD SAID TO THE WOMAN who remain silent! Brothers, God himself said in his word that if we did not speak His Word, the very stones would, WHY HAS RISEN AND EXALTED TO WOMEN IN RECENT YEARS BECAUSE THESE ARE THE ONLY WHO ARE WILLING TO GIVE EVERYTHING FOR GOD AND THE WHAT ELSE ARE SUBJECT TO HUMILIATE AND GOD!
Just look: many women are housewives, some work full time, then take care of their children, take their children to school. meet her husband, wash clothes for the whole family, do household chores, making meals, shopping for household things, ARE YOU TEACH YOUR CHILDREN , help their children make their tasks, ARE spending more time with their children and still have time to spend time with God, Oran, Bible studies will have to serve in their churches, have struggles in their marriages and strong families, that's sumemosle spiritual daily struggle with and the great pressure as wives, AND STILL HAVE TIME TO LOOK TO GOD AND SERVE EVERY DAY! ! and still like men LES DEMAND MORE?? CARAMBA!

NOW COME BECAUSE GOD IS EXALTED TO WOMEN?? Of course, we must mention that estpa exalting women consecrated to God.
. And do not miss
the Christian blind man to continue to believe that women are worth less and refuse to be exalted! these should give a kick to understand ¬ ¬

I forgot, men are the most view pornography on the internet and see women as sexual objects, in fact 99% of people who appear in pornography are women.
ALL THE BLAME WE FALL IN MEN , we must re-submit to God and fulfill our responsibilities and obligations as men and heads of our families.
All extremes are dangerous, both sexism and the feminist movement, BOTH Rebellion against God, God does not ask male or female controllers, God wants men to love their wives, who love their daughters, who love their mothers with a pure love, sincere and sacrificial, God wants to consecrated women, women who are subject to their husbands and serve with love for his family.
. If you're
wife and your husband, your parents, your siblings, or anyone else has made you believe that vouchers or treat you like a sex object, or discriminate against you for being a woman, perhaps someone in your work harassing you, or your boss pressed that if you do not go to the bounce in your work, let me tell YOU WORTH THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, HAVE IDENTITY AS A WOMAN, HAVE A GREAT VALUE AS A WOMAN AND NOT DESERVE TO BE TREATED AS AN OBJECT. Come near to God through His Son Jesus Christ and share in the full life that God has prepared for you, GOD IS EXPERT IN MARRIAGE REVIVE DEAD, and restore your life and your family, and also to restore, change and transform MALE your husband and make a man faithful to you, good father, good husband and a good son.
And your man who has abused or abusing women, your wife, your daughter, your mother, your friend, or abusing physically, psychologically, verbally, that hurt you and treat it as your servant or an animal, REPENT NOW ! DO NOT YOU THINK THE PUNISHMENT OF GOD PART OF YOUR LIFE. And so you DO NOT women rebelled against God.

Alejandro Flores.
DOWNLOAD HERE. 20FEMINISMO% 20and% 20the% 20MACHISMO% 20 -%
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