Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thames Boat Party 2010

hash Rice and vegetables cooked in Thermomix

I have several more days
Iliad than usual, for various reasons (no bad, just messy, lol).
So little I could cook, and / or have eaten out, or have used the "bottom freezer" room ...
Someday I will tell you that "bottom freezer, so useful for those who work outside or walk short of time.
But today I will take to bring you a delicious Arrocito prepared using the gift of my friend Rachel invisible, I hope you will forgive my lateness, because she is usually bundled over the leg of a Roman, hahaha.
Hash becomes "what's inside" chorizo, so to speak. It consists of pork, paprika, sometimes takes a little garlic, salt, pepper ... depending on the custom and the way the sausages are developed in each area.
simply sautéed, or egg, is a dish typical of certain areas of Castile. I already showed you the "version tortilla , although this recipe I'm just the" intellectual author "(the perpetrator is a specialist in tortillas of the house, lol).
In other places such as Extremadura, known as "pig proof" or "proof of chorizo."
And Special Zamora told me and Yolanda his name, but I do not remember (age, lol).
If you will not find hash, which typically is sold in some supermarkets empty, you could buy a fresh sausage, remove the skin, and shred.

This rice worth a try: it's tasty, and looks great and very complete as a single dish. Sale also very aromatic, with a touch too good for the winter season (although today it is 19 degrees, so we're not exactly a Siberian temperature, hahaha)

The truth is that the rice of this kind are fantastic with the Thermomix . And if you like a hair drier, do like me before passing it to the serving dish, dump the contents vessel in the basket, we will have placed over a bowl. So, drain the excess liquid, and rice we will more entourage.

Here is the recipe:

200 grams of rice (I used the mark "SOS")
150 grams of ground beef or chorizo \u200b\u200btest
800 grams of water or vegetable broth
1 medium zucchini
1 ripe tomato
100 grams of mushrooms
1 / 2 onion biggie
A handful of thyme
Salt Pepper

50 grams (1 / 2 dice cup) of oil olive
1 / 2 vegetable broth (if using water)

Heat the oil for 2 minutes, Varoma temperature, speed 1.
We put in the cup chopped onion, and the chop for 6 seconds at speed 5.
Program 7 minutes, speed 1, 100 º.
Add the zucchini and sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms, programmed 6 seconds at speed 5 so they are chopped, and then set 6 minutes, 100 º, speed 1.
add the grated tomato, thyme, salt (little) and pepper, and schedule 4 minutes, 100 º, speed 1.
hash We took the glass, and schedule the first 5 seconds at speed 3 and 1 / 2 to mix everything well, then sauté 3 minutes, 100 º, speed, spoon, turn left.
Add the rice and fry 1 ½ minutes, 100 º, speed, spoon, turn left.
Finally, add water or broth at room temperature (and, if we use water, broth) and schedule 15 minutes, 100 º, speed, spoon, turn left.
rice prove the point if we like more done, drain the broth (if you like dry) put the rice in the basket, and serve.

As always, easy and rich ... And, some bad, and if we are really bad time, we can always make fried sausage and vegetables in advance, and so when we get home, but we will add the rice and water, and took 17 minutes to eat.


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