Friday, February 11, 2011

Sodium Bicarbonate Athletes


God bless you brother =) several brothers have had some concern about spending the videos of this Blog to DVD for viewing on their TV's, also brothers have told me they would like to put videos on DVD immediately so we can burn DVDs but this would be too hard to upload a video on DVD because it would weigh a lot, some do not like to see lso videos on their computers because the screen is very small.
For those brothers who want to watch them on your DVD and watch them on your TV so I recommend the new DVD players that can play the format "DivX" computer or video format. AVI or. Avi
has the great advantage of the moment video download formats. Avi you can burn to a CD or DVD or USB (if it is heavy) and immediately you can put your DVD player to view video on your TV.
Some brothers have told me that because I put the videos in the format "mp4" as this would weigh less, but the disadvantage of "mp4" is that DVD players can not be played, and many do not like to see videos on their computers because they prefer to watch them on their TV.
Personally I buy a DVD that plays DivX, and many of the films and documentaries formats. Avi I put in the Blog are SUPER impressive quality. In addition to the DVD I bought has a USB input which is much easier to download and immediately view videos.
I leave some pictures to see if they buy one be sure if they have the logo "DIVX" like the image.
I assure you no longer have to worry because they are trying to convert videos to DVD format and in many cases it takes hours in the conversion and need to find programs to do and sometimes you lose quality. DOWNLOAD THE VIDEOS, save it to your disk or USB and watch them on your TV at once, so EASY! =)


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