Monday, February 21, 2011

High Capacity Dvd Changer

stew beef, or beef cooked in pressure cooker

today's recipe does not "catch a lot" with the prevailing temperature, now walk about 21 degrees in Alicante.
But do not confide, no. Since the saying goes: until May 40, do not take off your coat. And we're still at the end of February, so anything can happen.

Anyway, it's a simple dish and so delicious, that I would recommend except for the summer, because it is highly desirable could you be eating a stew of them sitting on the beach bar full of sand ...
Well, at the beach bar if we leave, because I can not understand why in this country the governments of either party have embarked on this crusade anti-stall "it is to monitor health conditions and quality of services and to monitor that no foreigner or the time the national, because there were things that cry out to heaven ... but from there to suppress radical, an abyss. I say, come on ...

In any case, try this recipe, the problem of closure of bars affects us less, because there is a very typical dish for the heats agosteños, no. It is better to enjoy a cold day, to gather ourselves together with a good wine (preferably from the Ribera del Duero, but that's just me: everyone likes the colors, lol), and looking out the window at the snowflakes fall snow or how cold wind blows ....

Speaking of wine: in this recipe use red wine. I recommend that is top quality: obviously, we will not give him a bottle of Pingus the stew, but between the Vega-SiciliaÚnico and "Uncle of the Boot" there are thousands of options, many of which are apañaditas pretty good price and quality. Or you can help us take that bottle of wine that has been by half after lunch or dinner ... And I guarantee you will leave dishes sparkling, lol.

( Note for non-Levantine, and Murcia, and vacationers on the beaches of Alicante and Murcia: " Uncle of the Boot " is or was, I do not know if it will continue to develop-a Jumilla wine quite quarrelsome, which in summer was announced by the beach for the traditional method of dragging small sign advertising the plane, together with the launch of plastic balls. It was worth seeing how the plane appeared as "The Uncle of the boot ", the staff was thrown into the water like crazy, trying to catch a ball Those were the days, hahaha!).

Well, I'll shut up now, I curl the Grandfather Chive. Al grain

1 kg of beef for stewing

1 green pepper 3 carrots, green beans 5-6

1 medium onion 4 medium potatoes 1 cup
red wine
Herbs de Provence (a handful)
1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon paprika

olive oil Salt 1 pill
vegetable broth (or 1 tablespoon vegetable concentrate)

Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
Chop onion and put it to soften in the pressure cooker with a dash of olive oil.
Add the chopped bell pepper, diced green beans and sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots. Sauté for a while until the onion is transparent, and the vegetables begin to be tender.
Add the cubed meat and fry quickly over high heat to seal it.
add the wine and potatoes, turning down the heat, and sauté a minute.
Add the water (just covering the meat), herbs, bay leaf, paprika, bouillon pill, and a little (very little) salt.
We let it boil, cover the pressure cooker, and cook for about 20 minutes (depending pots). Mine is the WMF Perfect, and I had the time, with 1 orange hairline off valve.
hope to depressurize the pot alone, and open. Check the salt.
can be made in advance (and almost is better overnight).
1) If you use mutton, we may need a tad longer, about 22-23 minutes. Also, some types of potatoes may require more cooking.
2) If we see a little dark sauce, just heat and stir.
3) If we like the sauce thicker, we can click a few potato pieces with the fingers, to give greater consistency.

And today, as always, I leave you with something you'll like:

is the National Park Torres del Paine, Chile (one day again ...).
I had to cut it a tad, because at that time was so dull that spoiled the photos with the date and time ... But I think you can see how impressive the place.
Kisses and happy week.


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