Friday, March 18, 2011

Chances Of Getting Oral Warts

Kasutera (Japanese Sponge)

Long ago he had signed this cake in the wonderful blog " English Japanese Recipes" ... and I thought that just this week, it was time to try it, as a small tribute to the Japanese people, who both are suffering with this terrible earthquake and other disasters beyond, and has displayed a courage and serenity really admirable. And here it is ... even with a small "lesion", hehehe ...

Personally, whenever I think of the Japanese partners to work fine, meticulous, hardworking, care to detail, and elegant in its simplicity, made with patience and care. And, as was read the recipe and watch the video overview, I came to realize that this cake had a "trick" ... no, it was a simple and easy cookie, no. It is a cake JAPANESE: fine, delicate .... and to be prepared with great attention and care, and treated with great care. Look if there

be treated with care, I messed up the finish because, stupid me!, Stripping him on a rack ... It is so fluffy and soft, that damn grid was marked on the surface as if it were etched, grrrr!. When it is assumed that one of the features of this cake is that its surface is smooth, toast and egalitarian. So you could spend This recipe is also the largest jailer the blogosphere, jajajaja, because it has its bars and everything ....
A pity, because otherwise, it was super ...

But, well, I assure you that the result is worth it. I had never tasted a cake so delicate and fluffy, that almost melts in the mouth, with that touch of honey. A delicious snack!.

Anyway, some people can tell their personal opinion on it, hehehehe ...

Wanting to publish it now, I decided to upload it, despite the "striped prison" of the top ... when to do it again, add photos more perfect.
In this video
which refers to the recipe you can see a very detailed step by step processing. It's in Japanese, but no matter: the image is a universal language, hahaha. I recommend you see him, everything is much clearer.
No more roll, that I talk too much lately, I go to explain the recipe:


4 eggs 2 tablespoons milk (I used semi, because that is what we all at home)
2 tablespoons honey
3 / 4 cup sugar (I use a measuring cups, but, if not have, here's a page with equivalences)
3 / 4 cup self-rising flour (to me I had done, so I used pastry flour with half a packet of yeast Royal. The self-rising flour is like the "Bizcochona").
Butter for greasing pan

Preheat oven to 160 ยบ.
Line a cake pan (square or rectangular) with foil or waxed paper (personally, I manage better with the aluminum for these things, but I'm very big hands, lol).

The spread with a little butter:

If honey is very dense, warm up a few seconds (not many, 8-10) in the microwave.
Heat the milk and mix it with honey, stirring until well blended.

Here and mezcladito. The reserve:

-Separate the yolks from the whites (sorry for the poor quality of the picture, but I assure you it's complicated "immortalized" to the same as separating the whites from the buds, jajajaj). What stands in the lower right is the camera cord ...

Beat the egg yolks and set aside.

Beat the egg whites until stiff, and when they become firm, slowly incorporate the sugar:

Now, we put in a bowl the egg whites and mix gently with the tips:
add the flour (yeast) Sieving:
add the milk and honey, and mix well:

Now, sift the dough and pour in pan:

and repeatedly hit Sometimes the mold against the counter to remove all the air bubbles
(This is where I was fully aware that I need to learn patience of the Japanese people, hahaha .... I hit many times, but we see that it was not enough a bubble because I was ...)

We put the cake in the oven until it separates from the walls, when touched with finger on the surface, this is elastic, (come on, it sinks and returns to his position.) The baking time is between 30 and 40 minutes, depending on ovens.
Do not worry if the top browns: MUST tan, lol.

When cooked, take it out of the oven, and helping the paper stripped on a flat surface (do not do like me) and upside down.
We removed the aluminum foil or oven, and wrap well in plastic wrap.

I let it cool so wrapped up and face down, a few hours, and retain its moisture.
and serve sliced \u200b\u200bnot too thin, about 2 cms. thick. Great for accompany tea or coffee.

In this photo you can appreciate how NOT I took all the air bubbles, lol ...

not be too hard on me, and makes the idea of \u200b\u200bnot having the "lattice" above, hahaha. But nevertheless, I was not entirely evil presence ...
So ... serve this cake (which no longer are no crumbs) in memory and tribute to Japan in these difficult times.
Hope you like. A big kiss to everyone.


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