Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chemistry Atm Calculator

You see as you had to listen to me?. What did I tell you?. Again the cold!.
is no snow here, but ... So what wind chill and so nasty! ...
just a week ago, I saw the foreigners (well, some "native") bathing on the beach at noon, when he came home from work. Today, no. Today there were people walking or running down the beach, or sitting reading ... but brave swimmers, none. And no wonder: the airecito is one that, on leaving, they let you "hair bumps", as one sportswriter said, hahaha.
Therefore, today we stew. Facilitated, but delicious. These are days "bucket ".... There will also ice cream, salad and refreshing dishes. I
the point quickly, I am now "a few words", lol (must be that cold air has left me "Voice" ...
And did you see what I commented the other day about the problems of taking pictures in winter?. Look at the "London fog" that affects these poor chickpeas, hahaha ....

If you still have managed to photograph a tall column of smoke, with its volutitas, she so cute ... But, no, a terrible fog, which spoils the whole picture, it removes color and sharpness ... Grrrr!.
Well, come the summer ...

INGREDIENTS 250 grams of chickpeas big boy
1 ripe tomato (or 2 medium)
grams of ham 1 / 2 onion 1 clove garlic


A bay leaf and water pill vegetable broth (or one tablespoon vegetable concentrate) Olive oil

last night to soak the chickpeas .
finite chop the garlic and onion and put it to soften in the pot itself with the olive oil over medium heat.
When you've made transparent color onion, add the diced ham and sauté a few minutes.
Then add the chopped tomato, bay leaf and a handful of thyme, and let us making minutes.
add the drained chickpeas and sauté 2-3 minutes.
Add the water with the pill or spoonful of broth (which just covers the chickpeas ) and let it boil. Then, cover the pressure cooker.
depend on the pots, but I usually take to be between 13 and 15 minutes, with two dashes off valve.
When time passes, remove from heat, let down the valve itself, and then open the pot and tasted the salt.

And today, I leave .... in the company of this squirrel's Retiro Park (Madrid, for those who do not know it).

Happy "Ecuador" week (a pedant would say, lol ...)


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