Friday, March 4, 2011

Cubefield Blog De Humor

disaster in the kitchen Large 2.0

As promised ... go with an entry on disasters in the kitchen.
The other day, I showed you a rich dish that came out of a mistake .... But, alas, sometimes the story does not end so well, lol.
I will dedicate this post to all those who are just starting to cook. Or you know that cooking a little, but just you practice. Sometimes reading these blogs, you can give the feeling that we all recipes are rich and beautiful come out (or in my case at least there are "apparent" because my background is not the decor or presentation). Than ever we put our foot, and we spend with salt, and leave us some cupcakes "stone", a half-baked cake, or undercooked fish. We have ever invited to dinner at the neighbors and has left us a round of beef that would serve to hammer him how hard it is ...
huge mistake, believe me. Which is free of "sin" cast the first stone.
not only the kitchen does not happen "misfortunes" culinary, hahaha. What happens is that sometimes you can save the furniture with some dignity, as it , and others give rise to a new recipe and good, as previously indicated.

But other ... Further, there is no other choice but to pull the plate straight away, or eat something that tastes good, but a horrible presence.

latter, if it is a day "every day", with the immediate family, have a pass ... But as Murphy's law is infallible, it usually happens when we have special guests, for example, occurs more often if the mother comes home, or that "friend" picky looking every dish with his nose wrinkled, or Arzak sister is created. And the possibility of culinary disaster strikes is directly proportional to the desire and interest in "look good ".... No, unfortunately not often come alone and we are not wrong when it comes to the trusted friend, or when we are all alone, noooo, lol ...

I cook for many years. Those who know me know that I've always liked mess in the kitchen ... Well, I was about 15 when I read in a magazine a dessert called "Bavarois pineapple" with a spectacular painting. "Hands", I said ... and, of course, prepared for a family celebration .... Bold of me, since then, celebrations NEVER do anything that has not previously tested "in confidence "....
I do not know if I took the leaves of all the fish tail of the Mediterranean, or what happened to the gelatin. The truth is that bavaroise looked precious, but it seemed SILICONE, hahahaha. On going to serve it bounced cutlery, who had not departed that, and less who will eat it!. Horrible!.
I still remember how bad I got .... and have spent nearly 33 years of that. Dessert looked like a polymer clay, hahaha

Then, still no "immortalized" as she cooked, so there are no graphic evidence of this culinary masterpiece (it was pretty, yes ...). But, walking time, when I started with my posts on the forum and blog Mundorecetas, I decided to also make pictures of the disaster, mostly for laughs. Although he had never posted here.
So now, get ready. Opens the "chamber of horrors culinary" of Morguix, hahaha:

1) Clafoutis horrible (in every sense):
The photo that opens the post shows what was intended as a clafoutis cherries and plums.
First, for some strange reason unknown to me, was filled with bubbles to thicken. "Well, I thought," No matter, will ugly, but the flavor will be rich. "Ha, ha ... that I could not believe I ...
not happen here as in the song of" Beauty and the Beast ", which says that" beauty is in the interior ". What is.
plums were more acidic than the concentrated extract of 20 kilos of lemons. And they were hard as rocks. At best, one could eat the" empty "of fruit, or cherry ... but even so ... a shame.
will try again in June when the cherry season starts.

2) of how you try to copy to Bethlehem (Belenciaga) and die in the attempt. Bethlehem
gave me pastelon recipe pastry. And she taught me how did the "cake-egg cup" filled the tracks, covers, a few openings in the sheet at the end of cooking an egg bark at each opening, and get something as wonderful as this :
Well, that goes beyond Morguix very worthy (Manoleteee, Manoleteeee, if you can not fight, "pa what you get.") And it gets to make the cup.
a) not find the cutting loop, and make the cuts "a little" imperfect, but decent. Yes, muyyyy small, as we shall see.
b) I open the oven. List of me, instead of taking the pastelon, reach in and attempt to crack the egg into the opening ... Burn. Loose egg .... Echo other ... Also falls out of place. And another .... I do not know where it falls ...
desperation, I put it in the oven as it is ... THIS goes. ..
Fortunately, that day no one came to eat ... and gave us laugh. But hey, the cupcake is difficult to watch, the poor. We could try to call it "abstract egg cup" ... but no, no school, lol ...

3) Al rich salty cake zucchini and salmon ... without curdling:
See how "precious ".... Haute cuisine, design, and dramatic presentation, all in one dish, hahaha:

Of course, the flavor was rich, but to go to turning out as the top layer had not curd, collapsed entirely. I had to improvise another starter.

And you, what you tell me?. Would you have been through a lot of those in the kitchen?.
So, to all beginners who read me, or all that you do not get a prescription, not be discouraged!. Just make decisions that you try. And everyone, even the best cook, mess up hundreds of times. What happens is that these things do not usually have, hahaha ... But they occur everywhere. So keep cooking, and you tell me!.
Ah. What why this post is called "2.0"?. Because, as always will be a disaster to tell, sure we will issue "3.0" and "4.0" y. .....

and I say goodbye ... But I recommend that if you want to laugh, you read this post forum "Mundorecetas." In it, people tell their culinary disasters, with or without a photo ... I assure you that you are going to wallow on the floor with things that are recounted here ... Some of the participants are known bloggers, others do not blog, but I assure you that most are excellent cooks, and you see why such tremendous blunders, hahaha.
A kiss to all.


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