Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wallpaper Biodiversity

pastry delights, asparagus and salmon.

First, a small apology: I atrasadísima in the responses to your comments. Forgive me if sometimes I answer them all with a "Thank You" generic, and only appoint those who make me any questions concrete: the time Nothing more. In those cases, I prefer to visit you in your blogs.
I hope no one take this wrong, or regard it as rude. Is that every day we are more, and therefore more difficult to meet all ... so better you'll see, I learn what's cooking in your kitchen, and copieteo everything I can, lol ...
Do not laugh, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed could not answer everyone.
This time I'll give you the weather, because he will DIIT we wear, how disgusting time! ... Yesterday I did not stop raining hard, and now the day was gray and sad. I guess very prontito come spring, but ... How it makes you wish the damn ...!.
today's recipe, in my usual line is very simple. And it works exceptionally well. You can do it with purchased or homemade puff pastry ... I cheer I have pending with the landlord, who have given me a very good recipe.
As incoming or snacks, is delicious. Hope you like it.


(Amounts vary according to the diners)
rectangular sheet of smoked salmon puff

canned white asparagus 1 egg, beaten
To decorate, we may use dill or sesame seeds.


extend the pastry, and cut into wide strips.
Drain the asparagus, and opened lengthwise.

refilled with smoked salmon, cut into strips.

We put the studs on the end of the strips of dough, and we're rolling. If we want to be more finite, as a tissue puff, give fewer turns (we would go out 2 treats per strip). If you like chubby, with more layers, using the entire strip.
Any remaining salmon, we also put into the package.

well sealed seams, with a little water if necessary.

We put the "packets" in a baking dish with parchment paper or silicone sheet.

The brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with dill and sesame seeds, and bake at 210 º until golden brown and look up the pastry. (Depending on thickness and oven, 10 to 20 minutes)

Tip: If you do more plump, Put first heat just below or Tapade the tray with aluminum foil when they begin to brown, it could happen if already roasted on the outside but without making the pastry inside.
And another: Wait a few little minutes before eating. The sheet retains the heat a lot, and asparagus contains plenty of water .... and if you hasten, you can scorch, like me, hehehe ...

Enjoy Sunday.
escacharre Prior to this, which is giving me many problems the computer and I had to restart 3 times, I leave you with this photo .... Segovia Aqueduct A marvel.
A big kiss to everyone.


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