Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Does Svt Stand For

Sandwiches "something different" for dinner ... and cross point status

First, I want to thank you for your words to all who have written in previous post.
You can not imagine what I felt overwhelmed and unable to answer "arm" to the messages you leave me ... was an immense feeling of lack of time, not to cope ... and people look bad with that, so kindly, pass by and leave me a comment.
really is much more comfortable and suitable for all that, except in exceptional cases, will answer in your blogs.
First, because then I see you and I miss your publications.
other hand, I often ask or comentaís something, but then you have no chance or time to return here. If I answer in my blog, maybe not what you read, because it is impossible to follow all the blogs every day. But if I reply in yours, there indeed is not going to lose the response, especially if moderáis comments, you have to read it or yes, hehehe ...
So, from now on, I think I'm going to operate in this way. I hope I do not think it is wrong. Today

plays double entry: food and cross stitch. I begin with the "food."
Too often, even when the food does not have problems in drawing up a varied menu, it's time for dinner and we were left blank and nothing happens to us. Or simply have no desire to get to cook at night, or because we live alone or very few, or because, although we are many, each take their time and organize your way ... or because we do not like to mess in the kitchen.
In these cases, the most common solution is to go to the traditional sandwich, or sandwich. What is the "bad" of that solution?. Well, usually, we varied very little content, and we end up eating the typical cheese sandwich, deli items, or tortilla (which, beware, they are also delicious from time to time), or ham and cheese sandwich "of a lifetime ".
So this time I bring you two options rather different. Simple, as always ... but I think practical. And very rich, I can attest:
1) toasted ham, cheese and pineapple.
Yes, some say to me: "The traditional ham and cheese sandwich, or" bikini ", as he is known in Catalonia." But, no. Let's give a touch "tropical" and pass it to the oven and do we save the butter from the pan, which never hurts.

The ingredients you see, the most simple:
-Sliced \u200b\u200bham (or turkey, if you do not eat pork)
-slices of cheese that melts well
-Loaf of Bread
-pineapple slices in juice
And " modus operandi, as even simpler:
-Place the slices of bread on a platter or baking sheet (covered with parchment paper, aluminum foil or a silicone).
We -up ham, then cheese (trying to cover it all the ham, we are not to be scorched.)
"We put the slice of pineapple, pressing a bit.

"And we put in the oven until cheese is melted and begins to brown.
Delicious!. Of course, caution when eating pineapple, retains much heat, lol!.


guess that almost all the English you know the coffee "Knee" . They are now a franchise, but when I was tiny (Franco lived, so it rained a lot since then) were only in Madrid.
And to me, and since that time, I loved their sandwiches, so much so for me it was a "prize" that I bought a cheese and tomato and a cheese with walnuts, jejejeje (which were apañaos children "Quinta del Vulture" , just like that now, do not settle for anything!)
Now are a little more "industrial" before the development was more traditional. But I also love now, I admit ....
The case is one of the ones I like "batch modern" is the tuna sandwiches with corn. And given my love of surimi ... so I decided I had to try to make them myself, but added.
So the ingredients are these:
-cooked corn
-Tuna in oil.
-A pinch of salt and pepper
And bread, of course ...

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Although the photos you see a very consistent bread, I recommend that this landfill will use it with bread crumb soft, either white or brown, are far more rich sandwiches.
And Preparation: Drain well consists of the can (or cans) of tuna in oil, crumbled gently with a fork, mix in chopped surimi with corn, salt and pepper, and mix with mayonnaise, being careful not to put too much not to make it harder to fill.
In Thermomix: Picaria tuna and surimi for 4 seconds at speed 5, not spend, because we want to be chopped, but the pieces are noticed. And then hand would add corn and mayonnaise.
This filling perfectly holds 2-3 days in the refrigerator, put in an airtight tupperware. And it is very good also for tarts or hors d'oeuvres.

And go with the second part: CROSS POINT :

(This poor is the slowest I have ... until you run out of birth, is delayed).

seems that already is leaving little to the birth, but I'm at that stage that I call the syndrome of the last 40 kms travel (or "Mérida syndrome ', because that is roughly the distance that separates it from Badajoz, and for many years those have been my last 40 kms. in all travel ...).
is that, after a long trip, which even made you short when you are missing only 40 kms, which is nothing after you have traveled distances ... because you are eternal, it seems that never comes. And that happens to me with the painting, which I have nothing but I see no end, lol.

Well, I leave for today (which I've rolled a lot). But not before to recommend that you go through the side of my blog, and the link .... pinchéis what of Japan is tremendous, and any partnership, however small it may seem, is fundamental.
A big kiss and happy mid-week.


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