Monday, March 14, 2011

Parts For Matag Performa Dryer


Last fiestecilla we had in class was the blue color in the month of February. We had plus it's great because everyone came dressed s our blue finery, we did a lot of stuff about color.
We meet in the Assembly to collect all the objects they had brought along the month, and that cositaaaaaas ....¡¡¡! Stuffed animals, dishes, cutlery, gloves, hats ... etc and then we stand around the tables to make a mural with clippings taken from magazines and the internet.
We also gave him our touch with our hands because during this time we have learned to distinguish the circle, so we did several circles with blue wax and also plugs and tempera prints and left us precious.
the bosom we had hidden in the class several balloons and we had to find some of we take, but others were so high that we ask for help.
And at the end of the day we play and we model with blue clay.


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